Derpenheim @ Derpenheim Posts 0Comments 10Joined 3 days ago
I'm glad to see this perspective. I live in America, and I thought surely the rest of the world doesn't see it like this. We are out, and of our own god damn volition. But that doesn't mean Putin won. If anything, weakening America so much just means our government couldn't possibly come to his aid in any meaningful way when the European countries inevitably have to put him in his place.
I love some good old "who's on first" humour
Thank you for your service, comrade
That's a really neat piece of history. I had no idea the first city wide strike was a shipyard, although it definitely makes sense with how often dock workers get screwed over.
I'm getting fuckin whiplash over here. He was just admitting vaccines are good
I has the exact same reaction. I feel like a dork for it, but it's just so god damn wholesome.