CatWhoMustNotBeNamed @ CatWhoMustNotBeNamed Posts 0Comments 56Joined 1 yr. ago
I'm fine with longer. 20 sounds good.
Plus massive fines, like 5x what they stole, paid to the victims.
Vile garbage.
Niiice. Lol.
Pill form doesn't do Jack shit either.
Pseudoephedrine works like a charm though.
Fortunately I've been stocking up, since you can only buy one damn box a month.
It requires a flashed rom with a valid (key signature? Crap, forget what it's called).
If you flash an unsigned kernel and try to boot lock, it'll brick.
I get from an absolute security perspective why this is deemed important, I just feel there's a bit too much focus on it, as if an unlocked bootloader is really that insecure. It would still take tremendous effort to get the encryption key for storage, so it's pretty effectively secure still.
Starlink satellites deorbit on their own. What else is SpaceX leaving in orbit? (Serious question, maybe there are small components the launch systems lose?)
New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque
I'd say well-maintained and prepared for use. As in tools need be well-maintained to be useful.
New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque
Yawn, this ignorant trope again. Go learn to read 17th and 18th century prose.
New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque
Yawn, it's clear you don't know how to read literature from the period. There's plenty of explanation of the phrasing, indeed by the writers themselves in contemporary missives. But you don't really care, you already have your ideology.
Go read any Jane Austen and you'll learn. Even better, the Federalist Papers, or the Adams/Jefferson letters.
"You can't out run a bad diet".
Exercise helps, but once you do the math and see how many calories hard exercise consumes vs how easy it is to eat more calories, it becomes very clear.
Lol, trying to dictate to half of US states wasn't working?
Define "work".
If you can't see how you moved them, I can't help you.
You're here aren't you? I think that says you consider the tradeoffs worth it.
Good points/explanation about the fragmentation breaking the communication.
Hmm, not sure if we can take any active position toward "fixing", since it's really hard to predict the outcome of our actions. Perhaps this is something that will continue to mature as communities coalesce.
I think I'd still like the ability to build my own in-app filters that aggregate communities. Like you'd do with a podcast app. Then at least (for an individual) you'd see all the posts that you consider related in a single feed/folder/view.
It's definitely not a simple problem.
From the US. Communist was tired 40 years ago. I saw it first hand, by the 70's kids were already getting tired of it, by the 80's the next generation just said "sure gramps".
Yea, you still hear it a little today, but nothing like it used to be.
Nice comparisons. Will add that to my explanations.
Oh crap, you already done lost me in the second half there, but I'll give the link a watch.
Thanks again!
I've worked with folks from around the world (including Central and South Americans), some can be touchy about it. Had to tell them "sorry, I, as an American, don't define these terms. Blame Europeans, not me".
"US", "America", "Americans" all have specific denotations... per EMEA, and hell, even Canadians.
It's like nicknames - if you have one, you didn't choose it. It was earned or applied by someone else.