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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
BatCountryMusicFan [he/him] @ BatCountryMusicFan
3 yr. ago

  • I dunno that guy but I think Mao and Deng both said similar things. Fuckin hated the corn man. Allegedly Mao invited Kruschev to Beijing in 1958 to talk shop, but when Kruschev got there Mao was already vibin in the pool. Kruschev couldn't swim but Mao refused to get out, so in goes Kruschev with his floaties on.

  • Good tbh. No offense to homeowners here but the spread of suburbs and mass single family home ownership has been like the no.1 way the US has killed class conciousness and community solidarity since WW2. Also it was always unsustainable and the idea that all 350 million Americans would/should all be able to live in big private houses is delusional.

    Renting for life gang rise up, we're not poor we're just ahead of the proletarianizing curve

  • No clue how this became such a big taboo in Abrahamic religion,

    Iirc it's about not "wasting" life essence.

    Genesis 38:9-10: But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.

    It's that Monty Python Every Sperm is Sacred song, but unironically

  • I had an idea for a rpg once about a near-future society where jury duty lasts like five years. Like they lock you in a bubble village and cut off all your access to the outside world so that when you go to sit on a trial you have absolutely no foreknowledge of what it's about.

  • askchapo

    What future event do you think will finally singal the end of the US Empire?