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Buyers worldwide go for bigger cars, erasing gains from cleaner tech. EVs would help.
  • Tax by weight, because heavier cars mean more wear on the roads.

  • 'Scandalous': Anger as BBC 'refuse to cover' anti-Brexit rally in London
  • I like Breunion a lot, for what it's worth.

  • Must be his phase 2 armour.
  • Sinead O'Connor before her...

  • Corruption, treason in Ukraine won't be tolerated, Zelenskiy says
  • Fairly niche? Most of the lemmygrad people are outright idolizing every totalitarian 'marxist' regime of the past century.

    I totally get left ideology and do agree with Marx' ideology, but I've never understood how simping for autocrats fits into that.

    When I read that Lemmy had an active communist group I was looking forward to that, but the vehemence of the debate and the apologetic whitewashing of history really turned me off.

    So yeah, please a debate that isn't so black and white is very welcome imho.

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  • Inglorious Bastards ain’t your average war flick or history lesson, it’s Tarantino doing his offbeat thing

    I can understand that, I like his style ususally. But that's point of my disappointment. As a historian I cannot see it apart from the historical events. But the crowd reaction is what really freaked me out, it's scary if you think of it.

    But remember, Tarantino’s all about pushing buttons and sparking chatter. If it got under your skin, maybe it hit the mark.

    It may have. I think the true brilliance of the movie is how the audience, due to framing, can be induced to condone the killing of innocents. I sincerely hope that wasn't actually Tarantino's intention.

    For instance the soldier killed by the bear jew refused to give up military secrets under threat of death. He chooses te respectfully refuse and is then killed. Framed differently in lots of war movies this is a heroic act.

    But here people then cheer when te bear jew comes out and finishes him off.

    All of this is an actual war crime.

    That’s just folks enjoying seeing the Nazis get some comeuppance.

    Indeed and I know, it's all a bit of good fun. I just can separate it from the very real and very deadly seriousness of this part of history. That was what the main question of this thread was about.

  • Competitive games for gamers with slow reflexes
  • If you only play artillery it's certainly slow paced :p

  • What's your favorite memory from the early internet?
  • Leisure Suit Larry

    Ken sent me

    It takes leather balls to play rugby


  • Ukraine counter-offensive actions have begun, Zelensky says
  • You should get a refund from wherever you took basic maths.

    I stand corrected.

  • When you make your first comment on Lemmy
  • Yeah, it's a shame that the sarcasm gets overlooked by many. So it gets mistaken as a celebration of fascism.

    Such is the bane of great parody, unfortunately.

  • When you make your first comment on Lemmy
  • Starship troopers

  • Akasazh Akasazh
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