Seven @ 7of9 Posts 4Comments 263Joined 1 yr. ago

They're good bikes, ideal for learning how to off-road and the parts are readily available ... good luck!
I don't know, I've never played online
I just picture it in my mother's talk about how ladies should keep their legs closed ... like "Now, Seven, you're getting to that age when older men start taking an interest in you, and you don't want to come down with a case of Slagboom, what would the neighbours think?!"
I have no idea what that is, so I'm going to say no ... if you mean the motorbike, it's a Rieju Tango
My favourite Dutch word is Slagboom
Because the world is on fire, while the richest humans want to consume more. Your replies are typical of that mindset, you could hardly contain your consumerism while living in an area which in much of the world would be considered large and luxurious.
Ah, ok. You want to consume more, have more stuff, bigger and better and newer and faster.
Well, good luck with that if that's what it takes to make you happy.
And how much of that did you actually need? Why have two desks and a dining table when you can put a laptop on the table? Why have an L shaped sofa and not a compact 2 person sofa? Why have a grand piano (I'm assuming since you had a lot of space) rather than a compact electric piano?
In our first apartment we had a king size bed BTW, the space under it was great for storage and good sleep is important!
Yeah, several times when I was younger I had to move house with only what I could fit in my car or what I could carry. It forced me to really think about what possessions actually matter, and feel the benefits of how having less stuff helps free oneself from the consumerist mindset.
On another note, geothermal energy isn't feasible for most places, and building from scratch is harder than it looks ... the best thing is to repurpose what already exists to your needs and use it in the best way you can. I bought a house that had been abandoned, and it's gradually coming into shape with improvements like insulation and double glazing ... eventually I hope to have heating from a heat pump, but that's out of my price range for the moment.
I'm not a fan of queens, however you and your opponent should go on a horse riding experience day together to remind you that the horsey is clearly the superior piece to choose.
Hum ... an android play-by-post version is just begging to be made!
When I was at school I used to enjoy playing oversize 3D tic-tac-toe, I imagine this could be similarly anarchic
They do, probably more than is healthy.
As mentioned in another comment, when my other half was rebuilding a motorbike in the living room of our old flat, I didn't even have to move any furniture. She would tinker away pulling the engine out while I practiced guitar.
Are the hobbies that you have things like indoor rock climbing at home?
I had a 45m^2 single bedroom apartment which had a lot of wasted space (like, there was room in the bathroom for another bath, amongst other things), we had a full compliment of white goods, and there was enough space that when my then girlfriend/* could rebuild a motorbike in the living room without having to move any furniture or even park either of the bicycles outside.
/* Now wife, for obvious reasons.
Too busy doing important stuff, like taking children away from their parents
Large living spaces are bad, they take up extra space and cost more to heat and maintain.
40m^2 is plenty of space for two people to live together comfortably, provided it's well laid out.
What's it like to play? Interested parties want to know!