After a period of hibernation, The Daily Hog is back! You can find the previous editions in the last...
Beko deliberately conceals error codes and repair info from consumers -- is that common? Google is the repair video gatekeeper. PCB has TX/RX port -- what is that?
I was never able to obtain the service manual (thread).
When I called them for repair info, they asked me if I was a consumer or a pro repair tech. I find the question disturbing. If I lie then I risk them making assumptions about my tools and perhaps willingness to pay for wiring diagrams and service manuals. They probably assume I would have access to some kind of subscription to a pro repair platform that has that info. So I admitted to being a consumer at the risk of being told “call a pro”. They asked what was wrong with the machine, then I got cut off because I ran out of phone credit (after being on hold for a long time). A glimpse of their answer before the call dropped sounded like incorrect speculation.
Google as a repair gatekeeper
I’ve watched a lot of Youtube videos. Also quite disturbed that Google is the gatekeeper of educational repair videos which
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/humanlikecorvus on 2024-06-26 15:24:28+00:00.
After a period of hibernation, The Daily Hog is back!
You can find the previous editions in the last thread or in our wiki archive.
As always, it is provided in its original format as a picture and as a text version, for screen-readers and easier access.
A big shout-out and thank you to our friend Hedgehog and all the anonymous helpers who make this excellent daily news summary possible!
Below is a regular discussion Megathread again. This is open for all
1969 Autobianchi A112 Giovani-a (More pictures in post)
A bit earlier than the typical time frame of the general things we post, but I feel like this still captures the feel.
From @Retromotive on Instagram
It's 1955, Italy is trying to find its feet after the war, and Bianchi, the bicycle brand, decides it wants to make cars again. But they don't just go at it alone— they team up with the likes of Fiat and Pirelli. The result? Autobianchi. The company that tried to blend engineering genius, design flair, and a bit of cheeky Italian spirit into a single, tiny vehicle.
Fast forward to 1969, and out pops the Autobianchi A112 Giovani-a car
Greetings ::::3
I've already made a thread here to gauge how welcoming everyone is, so here's my actual introduction.
I'm Vriska, and I'm trans, 8ut not in the way you expect. Rather than transgender, I am transcharacter. I've always felt nonhuman in some form, have wanted my left eye removed since early childhood (possi8ly 8IID 8ut I'm not currently pursuing a diagnosis) and eventually came to have dysphoria over not 8eing a troll specifically.
A year l8er and I'm well on my way to 8ecoming one for real. My we8site goes over this plan in more detail, and I'm not hesitant to claim the process as equivalent to a sex change. I'm not faking or trying to mock any8ody, and there are real photos of myself on that carrd to prove that I'm genuine.
Furthermore, here's my coming out video and the thread I started a couple days ago discussing nongender trans identities if you wish to r
After a period of hibernation, The Daily Hog is back! You can find the previous editions in the last...
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/humanlikecorvus on 2024-06-26 15:24:28+00:00.
After a period of hibernation, The Daily Hog is back!
You can find the previous editions in the last thread or in our wiki archive.
As always, it is provided in its original format as a picture and as a text version, for screen-readers and easier access.
A big shout-out and thank you to our friend Hedgehog and all the anonymous helpers who make this excellent daily news summary possible!
Below is a regular discussion Megathread again. This is open for all
A curious Ukrainian drone that crashed in September, 2024 was widely reported in russian media. Although various folks claimed this wreckage showed the remains of a jet engine, things did not look...
@DanielR33187703: 1. A curious Ukrainian drone that crashed in September, 2024 was widely reported in russian media. Although various folks claimed this wreckage showed the remains of a jet engine, things did not lo...…
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/rulepanic on 2024-12-05 04:56:50+00:00.
Original Title: A curious Ukrainian drone that crashed in September, 2024 was widely reported in russian media. Although various folks claimed this wreckage showed the remains of a jet engine, things did not look right. [Thread]
This fall has been grim for Ukraine. According to our assessment, between 1 September and 30 November, the Russians captured over 1600 km2 in Ukraine, and retook roughly 500 km2 in Kursk. The rate...
@emilkastehelmi: This fall has been grim for Ukraine. According to our assessment, between 1 September and 30 November, the Russians captured over 1600 km2 in Ukraine, and retook roughly 500 km2 in Kursk. The rate o...…
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/rulepanic on 2024-12-01 19:48:36+00:00.
Original Title: This fall has been grim for Ukraine. According to our assessment, between 1 September and 30 November, the Russians captured over 1600 km2 in Ukraine, and retook roughly 500 km2 in Kursk. The rate of advance accelerated every month, despite the Russians suffering heavy losses. 1/ [thread]
The Altair 8800 with its full kit, and the cover of Popular Electronics from January 1975. The first commercially available microcomputer!
Apple computer, phone and tablet prototypes by German designer, Hartmut Esslinger. 1980s
Similar games like Katana ZERO
I know we all are waiting for DLC or want more game like this.
So, Here is list of games which I think is similar to Katana ZERO. Not in any order. Enjoy!! \( ̄▽ ̄)/
No one paid me for this and also my personal note about game is in comment.
- Released Games
- Hotline Miami 1&2 : Hotline Miami is a high-octane action game overflowing with raw brutality, hard-boiled gunplay and skull crushing close combat.
Link: Steam¹ - Steam²| Website | GOG¹ - GOG²
- SANABI : SANABI is an exhilarating stylish dystopian a