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itookapicture I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

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Steam Deal: [NSFW]My Life In A Monster Girl Paradise - Autumn Sale 20%

itookapicture I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

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Android Blues, by Steven Stahlberg [cheesecake bonus edition]

itookapicture I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

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mtf Transfem

Is my HRT actually working?

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Hombre, Attila, and the Vultures. (Segura & Ortiz)

ukraine Ukraine

Russian soldiers got drunk and shot at each other.

itookapicture I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

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The first moments of the massacre at Al-Tabain School were horrifying. The rescue teams arriving at the scene were in shock and crying out at the sight before them.

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They Documented Their Crimes. Never Forget

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This is why its APARTHEID ISRAEL 🇮🇱

eurographicnovels European Graphic Novels+

The wonderful little world of Ink Dolls

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Those bastard Muslims, we keep bombing them to spread democracy and shower them with our Western civilisation but they insist on staying savages and barbaric.

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Israel getting their daily war crime in to make sure the world didn’t forget how evil they are.

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Zionism is a video Zionism is a poison that teaches abnormal behaviour Zionists take joy in killing the oppressed and then torturing the deceased. Zionists are sociopaths with no compassio

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As Negros celebrate another Black face fronting for white power, the occupation & brutality that oppressed people are subjected to in this backward, racist settler state continues...

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I repeat, no one with any sense of morality should be able to vote to either of these pig parties. If you ignore this suffering and vote anyway you are complicit in the racist genocide in Gaza.

eurographicnovels European Graphic Novels+

Art-process of the Snake-Lady, by Béatrice Tillier

eurographicnovels European Graphic Novels+

Detail from The Deluge, by Gustave Doré