GNOME 47.1 is now available. This is a stable bugfix release for GNOME 47. All operating systems shipping GNOME 47 are encouraged to upgrade. Download the GNOME 47.1 sources. Review the list of updated modules and changes. Use the official BuildStream project snapshot to compile GNOME 47.1. G...
Overcoming Harassment: A Transgender Roadmap to Online Security
Traduit avec ChatGPT...
Dans un monde où les danses TikTok deviennent virales du jour au lendemain, où les mèmes se transforment en blagues collectives, et où les hashtags lancent des mouvements sociaux entiers, Internet est plus qu'un simple ensemble de pixels sur un écran : c'est un écosystème vivant et respirant. C'est un endroit où vous pouvez trouver votre tribu, construire une communauté et partager votre histoire authentique avec des personnes du monde entier. Pour les personnes transgenres, ces connexions numériques peuvent être des bouées de sauvetage, ouvrant des portes vers des ressources, des groupes de soutien et des amitiés qui peuvent être difficiles à trouver hors ligne.
Mais soyons réalistes. Internet peut aussi ressembler à un champ de bataille, surtout en période de tension politique. Suite à l'élection et à la réélection de figures publiques qui ont fait le choix de réduire les protections LGBTQ+ (oui, je parle de la politique de l'ère Trump), le paysage vi
Useful links and resources
Here is a pinned post with hopefully useful resources related to the game. Feel free to add moar in comment, I'll add them to the body of the post!
Official and news
- [EN] Official game website
- [EN] News
Deck building and tier lists
- [EN] Tournaments list
Cards and art
The following modules have a new version:
- epiphany (47.0 => 47.1)
- evolution-data-server (3.54.0 => 3.54.1)
- gjs (1.82.0 => 1.82.1)
- glib (2.82.0 => 2.82.2)
- gnome-bluetooth (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-builder (47.0 => 47.2)
- gnome-clocks (46.0 => 47.0)
- gnome-console (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-contacts (47.alpha => 47.0) (*)
- gnome-control-center (47.0.1 => 47.1.1)
- gnome-initial-setup (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-maps (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-online-accounts (3.52.0 => 3.52.1)
- gnome-remote-desktop (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-session (46.0 => 47.0.1)
- gnome-shell (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-shell-extensions (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-software (47.0 => 47.1)
- gnome-text-editor (47.0 => 47.1)
- gtk (4.16.1 => 4.16.3)
- gtksourceview (5.14.0 => 5.14.1)
- gupnp (1.6.6 => 1.6.7)
- gvfs (1.56.0 => 1.56.1)
- libadwaita (1.6.0 => 1.6.1)
- libdex (0.8.0 => 0.8.1)
- libgsf (1.14.52 => 1.14.53)
- libpanel (1.8.0 => 1.8.1)
- librsvg (2.59.0 => 2.59.1)
- loupe (47.0 => 47.1)
- mutter
Map of ecological thought
Accompanying article [fr]
Sorry this is in French but I think many movements have a similar enough name that English speakers will understand what "écosocialisme" or "écologies anti-industrielles" means. A note though: "libertaire" is not "libertarian" it is closer to "liberal" with a stronger left-wing bias.
I found it interesting because while they mention that it is extremely hard to make such a map and that it has tons of very debatable links and placement, I still see solarpunks being all over the left 2/3 of the map.
Macron löst das Parlament auf
In Frankreich hat das rechtsnationale Rassemblement National von Marine Le Pen die Europawahl mit rund 32 Prozent der Stimmen klar gewonnen.
In Frankreich hat das rechtsnationale Rassemblement National von Marine Le Pen die Europawahl mit rund 32 Prozent der Stimmen klar gewonnen. Präsident Macron, dessen Mitte-Block nur noch etwa 15 Prozent erzielte, löste noch am Sonntagabend die Nationalversammlung auf und kündigte Neuwahlen für den 30. Juni und 7. Juli an. Während Le Pen Macrons Schritt begrüßte, sehen ihn Kommentatoren mehrheitlich kritisch.
Some Belgian political parties blocking people from access to election info based on their network
cross-posted from:
Many political parties are allowing Cloudflare to block some demographics of voters from seeing election info on their own candidates. These political parties are running exclusive websites:
- PS/Vooruit (Socialist / Parti Socialiste [fr/nl])
- Défi (previously part of the MR, now more at the center [fr])
- CD & V (center / Christen Democratisch en Vlaams [nl])
- Groen (Green Party [nl])
- Open VLD (liberal [nl])
Effectively they are operating in an anti-democratic fashion. Open and inclusive access to election info is paramount to democracy.
The political parties who are running inclusive websites are (quite ironically) the right-wing parties. And funnily enough, some of the right-wing parties actually have an English version of their website as well. This defies their historic reputation as being relatively xenophobic. If voting purely on the basis of digital rights and digital inclusion fostered by their we
Topic Unique : Ressources pour personnes T ou en questionnement
Informations générale sur la transidentité et les transitions
- Site d’information générales sur la transidentité: Wiki trans
- Brochures rapides quant aux transitions MtF et FtM
- Brochures d’informations détaillées sur les traitements hormonaux FtM et MtF
- Brochures d’informations détaillées sur les chirurgies : pour les MtF et pour les FtM.
- Guide pour l'inclusion des personnes trans dans le monde de l'entreprise, Principalement à destination des RH mais guide utile pour les personnes trans elles mêmes et les alliés LGBTQIA+,
- Où trouver un médecin
- [BDDTrans](
La métamorphose - Franz Kafka / Texte intégral
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
Drastische SUV-Parkgebühren in Paris: Richtig so?
Wer mit einem SUV in Paris parkt, muss ab Herbst tief in die Tasche greifen.
Wer mit einem SUV in Paris parkt, muss ab Herbst tief in die Tasche greifen. In einem Bürgerentscheid sprach sich die Mehrheit (54,5 Prozent) der Pariser dafür aus, die Parkgebühren für übergroße Autos deutlich anzuheben: Sechs Stunden sollen 225 Euro kosten. Für Anwohner, Handwerker und Pflegedienste gelten Ausnahmen. Das Thema beschäftigt nicht nur Frankreich, wie der Blick in die Kommentarspalten zeigt.
Le Nouveau-Brunswick mise plus que jamais sur le gaz de schiste
Le ministre des Ressources naturelles et du Développement de l’énergie du Nouveau-Brunswick, Mike Holland, estime que l’exploitation du gaz de schiste pourrait commencer d’ici 5 ans dans la province.
New Brunswick is betting more than ever on natural gas fracking.
Per community image quality settings
Small but useful FR here - I try to pull the lower resolution version of image posts to save some bandwidth money but for some communities, like comic strips, I always want the high resolution version. It would be nice to have some way to flag that per community.
Cheers 🚀
Schedule a post.
I was wondering if it would be possible to add an option to schedule a post for a specific time/date. Not a recurring post or anything like that. I think that would actually be bad for Lemmy. Just a single post set to a certain time to help improve engagement.
Sort single community
When visiting a community, I'd like to order them by new sometimes. This is not possible at the moment.
Long press on comment links to preview or copy URL
I used this a lot on reddit to copy a link before opening it, it would be nice to have the same behavior on lemmy.
To be fair, I didn't see the option on other lemmy apps I've tried, but I use the crosspost feature a lot on desktop, and would really love that feature on Boost.
The app is really nice tho, thank you for this great first release.
Parent comment option
When I get replies to my comments, sometimes there is a lot of context in parent comments needed to really follow the thread. Some clients have a "view parent comment" feature which would be nice if we had in Boost. My current workaround is to use the "view in external browser" option and then navigate from there, but that feels goofy and slow.
Return to search after opening a result.
Currently when performing a search if you e.g. click through to a result to subscribe, then press back, you end up on the page prior to tapping search. You then have tap the search tab again and enter your search term again if you want to see more results.
I'd like to see it restore the state of the search results modal on returning from a result. This would make it much easier to do things like quickly add multiple subscriptions to related communities
Optionally show link-post site URLs in compact display mode
I'd like to be able to turn on an option to show site URL previews in compact display mode like below:
Boost for reddit had an option for this and I'm sorely missing it on Lemmy
A way to export/import community lists
It would be nice to carry my subscriptions over between alts somehow, as well as being able to share a curated list with a friend.
Thank you for all your work, Boost is the Best.
Support For Large Number of Mutes
I blocked a lot of subreddits in the old Reddit app. Eventually the app started unblocking a subreddit every time I tried to block a new one. With all of the different instances of Lemmy I know I'll have a ton of muted users/instances. I just want to be proactive before I hit the limit.