The Bat by Lubeee
Photo shot using practical effects, by huehugues
Majora's Mask by Dylan Mievis - "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?"
Lego Tiny Plants look nice
Every T-Rex variation from 2012-2024
Plague doctor by brickaa_mocs@reddit
A perfectly normal Valentine's Day dinner by YodasChick-O-Stick
Articulated Bus by BrickyMateo018 - Lego Ideas
Bag End by Thorsten Bonsch
Mining for Iron by Jaka Kupina
Sushi tray by MMBMaxx
Arsenal by itsthatguyfromthat
Demolition job by EMazingbrix
Lego idea - Rocky Reef Restoration by uPawelek
Shrine of the Golden Dragon by SpaceBrick
Lego Indiana Jones Castle Brunwald by Flashback Productions
Random trick
Collab MOCs of every level from LEGO Star Wars II: The Video Game