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California to make financial literacy classes a requirement to graduate high school

Personal Finance

Best way to buy a house for another person?

I'm in an extremely fortunate position where my Mom, upon learning about current mortgage rates and why I haven't bought a house yet, wants to essentially be my bank to buy a house. As in, she wants to fund the house, put it in my name, and I pay her a reasonable down payment and pay a "mortgage" to her at 2-3%. So what would be the best way to do this?She buys the house then transfers the deed? Should she just transfer the cash and I purchase it?

Side note: I know people are usually against doing big purchases with family, but I don't really see a downside since the house will be in my name, and with that 2-3% rate, the payments will be similar to my rent even considering maintenance and property tax.

Personal Finance

Index Funds Have Officially Won

The inevitable at last arrived. Last month, for the first time, passively managed funds controlled more assets than did their actively managed competitors.

I honestly thought this happened a while ago...

Personal Finance

[401K] I was in a settlement for a class action lawsuit involving a 401k. I just received a 1099r. Box 7 has code "7"; I am under the age to withdraw without penalty. Will i receive a penalty?

Sorry for long title:

  • USA
  • in a state with no state income tax
  • my former employer (international corporation) messed up 401ks, resulting in class action lawsuit
  • settlement gave claimants <$20 each
  • just received a 1099r for this amount
  • box 7 = "7", which means normal distribution per IRS
  • I am under 59.5

I don't understand the table on the IRS website. Just wondering if there will be a penalty for this settlement "distribution" or if it is waived since it was part of a lawsuit. I usually do my taxes by myself so I don't have anyone to ask.

Personal Finance

Dealing with a BS "Billing Desk"

What are my options when my provider sends me a bill without submitting a claim with my med insurance, and is ignoring my repeated requests to submit the claim and send me a revised bill post-settlement? How do I prove that I do not owe the billed amount, and I do not owe them anything until they claim it through my insurance first?

Unfortunately, I did encounter something very similar with a previous provider - and I naively decided to wait and watch when their "billing desk" was busy ignoring my requests to submit the claim first - just to get to the day when they sent it to collections. Dealing with collections is another nightmare, and while it went in my favor at that time, I promptly left that provider and switched to another.

So I want to be cautious here this time, because although the "billing desk" of my provider might be a bunch of inefficient a-holes, I don't want to deal with collections again.

Would welcome any insights ! Thanks !

Personal Finance

12% 401(k) Contribution - What to do?

Hi everyone, I recently landed a new job where the base 401(k) contribution for all FTEs is 12% of your salary. This is regardless of your contribution, with no additional match. I realize that this is unusual for most people and it is for me as well. In my last job, I got up to a 6% match so I maxed that out and didn't think on it any further.

I currently contribute an additional 5% on top of the 12% that my employer provides, but got chatting with a coworker who mentioned that they were advised to take that money and, since it was not being matched, put it into the stock market instead. I'm open to learning, but have very little knowledge of stocks, cryptocurrency, or likely any other potential option you may suggest.

For a little extra information, I am in my mid-twenties, earn mid-five-figures/year, have little saved for retirement right now, and am open to any suggestions you may have.

So, what would you do in my situation? Thanks for any replies!