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Unreleased XFWM theme

XFCE note: autohide panel (the clock is not), accessibility WM tweaks turned on (hide title...) as I usually have a window maximized. Raise-on-focus (Window Manager settings, similar setting in tweaks for window cycling) turned off, allowing rolled-up windows to not disappear when unfocused.

System note: I have not maintained it well, broken dependencies right now and have finally got bit by nVidia as my system won't properly wake from suspend. Getting an alternative GPU is somewhat of a mess, especially prices and getting full performance. EDIT: Updated, working fine now

I made this ultra-minimalist window theme a while ago (this is the second version, with the widget-capable layout and style-based color accent) and have been using it.

The title is 12px tall (the buttons are default 8px, though can get taller with alternate hover/click states).

At this size, XFWM has a design issue with font sizes/baselines so most fonts are cut off (the selec


Trying out a new layout for a vertical monitor

I feel like you don't see a lot of vertical setups here so I wanted to share what I've done so far. I found having everything at the top was way too dense so I moved it to the side but added a second panel at the top in a different color (to go with the wallpaper) for the window buttons.


First rice?

If anyone could tell me how to change the system font color, I'd be much obliged. tips cowboy hat


Termux X11 on Android with Chicago95 theme