Eastern Kingbird showing off beautiful tail feathers
Steller's Jay
Great Blue Heron nests
A hummingbird stopped by while I was shooting a sparrow
Steller's Jay (More pics from today in post)
A Sulphur Crested Cockatoo eating seed in a tree
Three Sulphur Crested Cockatoos and Magpie-larks , New South Wales, Australia
Eastern Bluebirds with many Goldfinches
An Australian White Ibis, New South Wales, Australia (3834x2876)
A Galah in a park eating some seed (second photo in description)
Grey go-away bird, or Boslourie. South Africa.
Arctic Tern
Herons - Black-Crowned Night & Great Blue
Hamerkop (scopus umbretta)
A Mated Pair - Red-Shouldered Hawks
Cliff Swallows; These little guys look like muppets to me
Grumpy Towhee feeding it's fat young