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Writing Prompts

Dolphins invent a new mass fishing technique, soon threatening the world’s fish population with total collapse. Humans must somehow convince dolphins not to repeat our mistakes.

Inspired by bubble-net feeding among humpback whales.

Writing Prompts

You travel all night across the desert, the car redlining the entire way there. As the sun is coming up, you are out of fuel. You finally make it. You move the rock and pick up the envelope.

Writing Prompts

They warned you that the coasts are haunted by sirens. That's never bothered you though, you sing better than them.

Writing Prompts

An office's entire workplace this world is suddenly swapped with a castle's staff and royalty in another world.

Writing Prompts

All seems lost when the hero's party falls in battle against the dark lord. That is, until the bard that's been playing their background music steps up.

Writing Prompts

You're being hunted by packs of vicious monsters, when a clearly fake human approaches and hands you a cloaking device.

Writing Prompts

A person gets stuck in a groundhog day loop. They find out that every time they kill someone, the loop extends by a day, but it resets if they don't.

Writing Prompts

An evil witch defeats the hero of legend with a curse that turns him into a girl. The next day there's a line of people at her door, waiting to be cursed.

Writing Prompts

In the midst of a vampire attack, one person finds out that if you bite the vampires, they turn into humans

Writing Prompts

A man buys a drink instead of a scratch off ticket and, as he was enjoying it, he witnesses a stranger celebrating the fortune he could have had.

Writing Prompts

Continue the story from that is in the body of this post (00 Judgement)

A low dry raspy chuckle leaked from behind a door she was currently motionless in front of. The chuckle progressed until it became full-throated and then stopped just as quickly. There was a soft crash and a few seconds later she opened the door. On the floor there was a fresh corpse that she glanced at apathetically. She walked forward curious of the text on a computer screen a few paces ahead. It read:

./judgement 12713600 -s "Homo Sapien"
[Warning] species "Homo Sapien" selected, are you sure you want to target humans (y/n): y
[Warning] no measure selected, defaulting to meters

00:43 [############-------------------------------------] 24%


She watched as the progress bar ticked up, when it finished the terminal read:

02:27 [#################################################] 100%

All humans within a 12713600 meter radius have been judged and dealt with accordingly.
[Warning] 9 humans could not be judged, would you like to try again (y/n): 


The block cursor slowly bli

Writing Prompts

A man suddenly appears on a submarine deep in the ocean, with no recollection of how he got there. What's worse, no matter how much they ascend, they can't seem to surface

Writing Prompts

Rumors say the witch can grant immortality, but many fear the price. It's actually very reasonable, and she offers payment plans.

Writing Prompts

The devil comes to earth to collect a soul. Except, there's like 4 other entities all trying to collect the same soul

Writing Prompts

The country of Georgia gains admittance to the EU, but due to a mixup, membership is granted to the US state of Georgia instead.

Writing Prompts

A super hero has nigh unlimited abilities, but they can only use them directly after killing someone.

Writing Prompts

A girl and her horse practice for the big race, but then the horse dies. The girl seeks out the dark arts of necromancy to raise the horse and win the race

Writing Prompts

Super heroes are real, but kept extremely secret from the public. You work as one of the personnel covering up their actions and hiding them away

Writing Prompts

Ancient unknowable horrors scream for your attention. You sigh as you pick up the bag of food, regretting the new job

Writing Prompts

On a night walk with your friend, a goblin springs out of their pocket and steals your ear