Default sort for comments
I am no programmer and am not sure if I am allowed to post this here, so delete if you want.
My suggestion: Like the default sort for posts we need a default sort for comments. There should be a dropdown menu like there already is for default sort posts.
Share image option.
I used to use Relay, and it had the ability to directly share the image in a post, instead of a link to the post. I really liked that I didn't have to download the image to send it to someone in a messaging app, filling my phone's limited storage with memes. It would be great if Jeroba could add something like this!
Paginated Feed Option
I'm asking for this in a few different communities for lemmy apps because I'd really appreciate the feature, I hope this isn't seen as spam.
Pagination adds points of resistance during use and allows for a natural stopping point that can give one the clarity of mind to limit app use to a healthy amount. I understand that the normal web client is like this, but it would be nice to have the option in app form as well.
There are also accessability reasons to consider this, as outlined in this article.
On a personal note, infinite scrolling gives me anxiety, and can be a problem for those with other mental health disorders as is also outlined in the aforementioned article.
Thanks for reading.