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Domain-Driven Design

Domain-Driven Design Reference by Eric Evans

This reference gives a quick and authoritative summary of the key concepts of DDD. It is not meant as a learning introduction to the subject. Eric Evans' original book and a handful of others explain DDD in depth from different perspectives. On the other hand, we often need to scan a topic quickly or get the gist of a particular pattern. That is the purpose of this reference. It is complementary to the more discursive books.

Domain-Driven Design

Domain-Driven Design resources

This list is WIP.


These are short articles describing what DDD is. They are generally good points to start with and are easy to refer to when one needs a quick recap.


  • What is DDD by Eric Evans (DDD Europe 2019)
    Evans explains some of the most important concepts related to DDD while taking a critical look at how we traditionally think about models. Suggests asking "hich model would be more useful to solve this problem" instead of relying on our understanding of objects "in real world". He also emphasizes the importance of communication with domain experts an use of ubiquitous language.


  • Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software a.k.a. "The Blue Book" (Eric Ev