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Pixel Leaderboard

I wrote a lua script that prints out how many pixels were placed by each player. It takes reverted pixels into account.

Previously I filtered via the shell with cat ./pixels.log.txt | grep -F 'user place' | grep -o -P '[^ \t\r\n@]+[@][^ \t\r\n@]+' | sort | uniq -c | sort -f | sort -b -g -s -r but that wasn't very much accurate.

So this is the result:

  • oops, didn't see the other thread...

    • I only posted top 100, your post is much more complete thanks :)

      Also, I used cat pixels.log.txt | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr (then head -100) to parse it. Do you mind telling me what grep -o -P '[^ \t\r\n@]+[@][^ \t\r\n@]+' does in yours? It looks scary lol

      • It basically does what awk '{print $3}' in your command does, so it just gets the users. It was quicker for me to do that right out of the top of my head :D

      • I've written a Lua script now that should deliver more accurate results and edited the post. Though I'm not sure how to interpret the "mod overwrite" actions, so I guess that would count as a moderation action that would decrement the user's place count.

  • Thanks for this, now I'm interested in all the other stats, like number of users per instance, %age of instance users per instance, # surviving pixels, %age pixels surviving, overall heatmap (esp. most fought over area), chart of cumulative placements over time, etc.

    Oh, I replied to the wrong thread but it works here too 🤓