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Reimagined Historical Moments with Mythical Creatures

Reimagined Historical Moments with Mythical Creatures, the example I provided was is of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay summiting Mount Everest for the first time.

Source Image:

Find a moment in history and replace some or all of the characters with mythical creatures.

Prompt for post image: Rules Follow the community’s rules above all else

        One comment and image per user

    Embed image directly in the post (no external link)

    Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun)

    At the end of the week each post will be scored according to the following grid

    Prize | Points

    Most upvoted | +3 points

    Second most upvoted | +1 point

    Theme is clear | +1 point

    OP’s favorite | +1 point

    Most original | +1 point

    Last entry | +1 point

    Prompt and workflow included | +1 point

    Source image or history of the event | +1 point

    Winner gets to pick next theme! Good luck everyone and have fun!


Past entries

    [Goosebump Book](
    [Deep Space Wonders](
    [Fairy Tales](
    [A New Sport](
    [Monsters are Back to School](
    [War and Peace](
    [Distant lands](
    [Unreal Cartoons](
    [Sustainable Ecumenopolis](
    [Old Gods, New Jobs](
    [Winter Festivities](
    [High Tech, Low Life](
    [Character Limit](
    [Gatsby’s Jazz Hands](
    [Reel to Canvas](
    [Cruelly Cute Characters](
    [Retro Sci-Fi](
    [Get Your Bard On!](
    [Busy Bees: Animals with Jobs](
    [Mad Royalty](

Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay as werewolves, summiting Mount Everest for the first time.

-4 2

    Prompt: Generate a photorealistic picture which is a re-creation of the iconic "Tank Man" photo taken on Tiananmen Square in 1989, but instead of a human let it be a wizard looking like Gandalf from a birds perspective. He spreads his arms to the sides to not let the tanks pass.

  • Mermaids pushing away (??) an iceberg from the Titanic in the style of an old black and white photo. The mermaids have realistic skin and scales, and they use their strength to move the ice. The Titanic is in danger of hitting the iceberg, but the mermaids are trying to save it. The scene is dark and dramatic, with realistic lighting and shadows. The photo has a vintage look, with grainy texture and low contrast.

    Microsoft Copilot

  • Genseric, ogre king of the goblin kingdom, sacked Rome during the reign of Emperor Petronius Maximus. He only agreed to leave after being bribed with half the empire's treasury.

    Prompt: highly detailed painting of a giant ogre and an army of goblins sacking Rome, in a classical styled roman square with marble pillars, painted in a neoclassicism style --ar 8:5 --stylize 275
    I up-scaled the original image and then resized it to 70% to refine the details.

    Please don't complain if it doesn't quite match the Vandal's sacking of Rome. I'm taking some liberties with my version :)

  • There was a day, not that long ago that will be one of those 'Historical Moments' that everyone will look back on and remember (yes this is taking creative liberties).

    the "The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man" from Ghostbusters giving a speech in front of the capitol building as people riot and storm the building, the rioters are wearing red MAGA caps. There are signs and american flags.

    Some others as I built the prompt and worked around the "this image is not safe"