MAGA Republican Logic
MAGA Republican Logic
MAGA Republican Logic
I'm no longer a fan of banning guns. Let's all get some.
Only as a scalpel, not a hammer imo. They would love nothing more than violence to break out so they can violently suppress it in return.
Just want to throw out there, I work in a custom AR shop, if lemmings have questions, I’d be happy to help.
Sure. Everyone get armed. Like the Wild West.
It's our right.
You wouldn't do anything bad with that firearm would ya?
Or do you just wake up out of bed in cold sweats thinking some police force with a different skin color than yours is just waiting to shoot you as soon as you step out onto the porch?
Lord knows the klan literally posts up waiting for our black neighbors and the Black Panther Party IS REALLY making my trips to the corner store uncomfortable!
Oh and the gays. Apparently, they're killing gays EVERYWHERE across the country. It's horrible!
yes, a terrorist group founded by bitter defeated enemies of america whose whole ethos is oppressing specific groups because they can't cope with the fact they lost is the same as a group of people sick of watching their friends get murdered trying to make that not happen as much.
I have trouble reading this as sarcasm - I mean… yes
-Liberal Logic-
Late term abortions - ✅
White guilt - ✅
Open borders - ✅
Men beating women in their own sport class - ✅
LGBTQ books mainly based on sexual inert course in schools - ✅
Entire personality based on who you prefer to screw - ✅
White man bad - ✅
Orange man really bad - ✅
Couldn't load a gun if you handed them one - ✅
I got time, I'll bite.
Late term abortions
It's "post-viability abortions". It's for already-dying fetuses and such. The name gives it away.
White guilt
Sorry, can't relate for many reasons
Open borders
More of a conservative talking point than a core liberal tenet. See headline such as: Kamala gets 'tough on border'
Men beating women in their own sport class
Your music's bad and you should feel bad. Boo!
LGBTQ books mainly based on sexual inert course in schools
It's intercourse. Are you trolling? And no, it's about the history and legacy of the US through the lens of LGBT+ folks. Also, read a book, read a book, read a m'fuckin' book.
Entire personality based on who you prefer to screw
As opposed to MAGA's entire personality based on who gets to screw them over?
White man bad
I mean... motions broadly at history
Orange man really bad
Well... motions broadly at dysfunctional US government
Couldn’t load a gun if you handed them one
Shaddap you flunked your SATs and you can't spell intercourse to save your life
These sick liberals need to stop defining themselves with sex.
Have sex within your race! Have sex in a way that Harry Potter would approve! Have sex with underage mothers! Save your virginity for an old man in an authoritative position in your life!
And for the love of God Almighty, stop bringing up sex! Sex! SEX!!
Literally every point made by OP is real and easy proven. You, on the other hand, have a made up list that is easy disproven over and over again.
Maybe you should try going outside?
Brave of you to wear your mental health issues on your sleeve like this bud
even if it is in good faith, which is doubtful the sort of person who still backs the current government is beyond reason, don't waste your energy
honestly im coming around on white genocide the past few months. kill the anglo, save the man.
edit: doing my part, by being super gay and keeping nothing from my culture of origin.
Of course you are. Comment saved.
How many hours a day do you spend in an echo chamber getting your talking points?
Are you getting paid for your boot licking?
When did your brain start shutting off and begin reflexively regurgitating their propaganda?
I think people like yourself are a lost cause, because no amount of factual information and critical reasoning seems to be effective against your highly effective programming. Do you envision any methods that could be used to deprogram your psychological state such that you can begin to critically reason and seek out objective facts?
I await your response laden with logical fallacies, puking the catch phrases from your "news " sources, and whatever today's flavor of disinformation meme was shared in your echo chamber of choice.
This is definitely a bot account, guys. No one is this stupid.
yeah it's kinda wild they haven't been banned yet
Yeah, I'm totally bot guys. Listen to this dude I'm replying to. He speaks the truths guys.
You know it's extremely easy to spot a bot account. Actually, no. You clearly didn't know that. Nvm.
Aww, looks like RFK isn't the only one with brainworms.
Ha. Pretty funny comment. Take my updoot.
I love this hilarious little bullshit mainly because you're ignoring all the kids that bring loaded weapons to school and highlight the fails of your blue pig saviors
Literal children take lives because idiots can and do use weapons
The rest is funny because it highlights YOUR issues 💜
A child with down's syndrome could readily turn your clever little mind into a Jackson Pollack, careful with your calculations there chief lol
Awww someone is rlly butthurt! Is this hitting that close?
And this is such a conservative thing to do too! Giving urself an anal prolapse to be able to pretend ‘you too’ to be able to point back as if that were a response at all… But can I ask you to be frank with yourself, do you even beleive in that shite that you jerked into there?
Explain, in detail please, what's wrong with late term abortions?
If a woman has carried a child for over 8 months, isn't that a demonstration of her desire to have that child? If her doctor advises her that carrying the child to full term is dangerous to her health, doesn't she have the right to make that choice?
If a child is going to be born with severe problems that would cause the child to have a very short life full of pain and suffering, why shouldn't the parents have that option?
sexual inert course
The Grammer Police has entered the chat
I'm surprised ur not banned for this have u seen !
Hey Maxi, seems legit - why you got to get me so hard