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  • Fextralife and Fandom can go die in ditches. Fextralife is literally only for pushing views to their shitty Twitch channel so they can pretend they actually have the 30k viewers, and Fandom is pure cancer to use on mobile.

    I implore people to make their own or use alternatives, like WikiDot or Miraheze.

  • It's better than Fextra's, too!

    I added upcast info to a bunch of spells last month because I was annoyed that the in-game tooltips didn't have the info on my Warlock's Level Up screen. I was already impressed with their templating and I'm always down to support an independent wiki. I've also been using their item lists and class breakdowns.

  • FTA:

    "(Essentially, if you add something to their wiki, you’re doing unpaid work for their company. Not to be a hater, but I dislike that.)"

    Posts to reddit... LOL.

  • Very awesome. Anyone who hasn't played it yet should buy it and play it. It's so good. I'm almost done with playing through it twice and already planning out a third run.