Even from beyond the grave, Fascists are still massacring people & inhibiting scientific research
Even from beyond the grave, Fascists are still massacring people & inhibiting scientific research
Quoting Oula Seitsonen & Vesa-Pekka Herva’s Forgotten in the Wilderness: WWII German PoW Camps in Finnish Lapland in Archaeologies of Internment, page 177:
This Lapland War (as it would come to be known) resulted in a comparatively small number of casualties—both sides lost about 1,000 men killed and 3,000 wounded. Material losses were enormous. The [Fascists] destroyed not only their former bases and camps, but also burned down every Finnish village within their reach, in total some 16,000 buildings. Over 1,000 road bridges, some 100 railroad bridges and 40 ferries were blown up; 170 km of railroad, 9,500 km of road and almost 3,000 culverts were destroyed; and most electricity poles cut down. Tens of thousands of head of cattle and reindeers were killed, and over 130,000 landmines and other explosives planted in the landscape. In the years after the end of the war, these mines would kill about 2,000 people. Unexploded ordnance is still found in Lapland, and it remains a potential threat for archaeological studies of military sites.
(Emphasis added. See also: Chemical weapons in Germany and how they’re still harming people.)