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What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #24

Discussion questions:

What video games have you played recently?

What are your favorite video game genres?

Question of the week:

What games coming out in 2024 are you most anticipating? Or games that are coming out sometime in the future?

  • Purchased both fallout 4 and Subnautica. Gotta say that Subnautica is a freaking gem.

    • I want to play subnautica with a heart monitor just to see how bad my thalassophobia is lol

      • Lol that would make some good content.

        Full noise canceling headphones + complete absence of light (block windows and door with black trashbags) + thalasssophobia.

    • Subnautica is a really fun game, atmosphere wise. Even if I don't really vibe with the whole "corporate space" stuff it has in the background. Good luck with survival!

      • Im pretty sure its making fun of that setting. Like when you first pick up Diamonds, there is a recording that says that everything you pick up is owned by the company so you would be indebted if you lose the stuff lol.

    • Subnautica is a fantastic game that either helped me discover I had thalassophobia or gave it to me. My playtime probably got inflated by ten hours as I spent so much time sprucing up my base instead of progressing to the end of the story.

      It balances the curated story elements so well with the open world survivalbox type gameplay. Not many games hit that balance so well.

      • Ive easily spent 4 hours sprucing up my base lol, my progression has been weird since i found the delani base very late and i just unlocked the core building for a base, i only had scanner rooms for like the first 12 hours lmao. I literally found the alien bases before the delani base, only through an alien portal did i find the island with the delani clues.

        My base went from a single scanner room + vehicle bay with only solar energyr, to a full fledged 5-6 rooms base with alien containments+nuclear reactor+water filtration+ storage rooms+ bedrooms after i found the delani bases lol

  • I just finished purrgatory yesterday! It's a really cute visual novel about befriending weirdos and going to heaven. Getting the best ending took me the entire afternoon but it was worth it. Highly recommend if it looks interesting to you (it's free and playable in your browser (but maybe not on mobile))

  • I'm definitely still playing Dyson Sphere Program. I'm building my first space ball around an O-type and if my calculations are correct, it's gonna be pushing 861 GW with just the one shell. I'm considering adding as many as the game allows to see what I end with. My initial goal was to get on the leaderboard for this seed, I'm there. Now my goal is to get the 1 TW achievement. After that I'm considering going for 1st place on the leader board.

    I'm still bottlenecking on science too. My theoretical max is 2500/min but I'm only getting around 1800 under best conditions. But I'm actually focusing on a new rocket factory I put in my new sphere system anyway. Research can just trickle in for now.

    I'm gon a plop down more mining in my sphere system and hope I can keep my silicone and titanium topped off since that is where it's chugging right now.

    Other than that, I finished Prodeus and am working to collect all the collectible things for new guns. It's a lot of fun if you like restro shooters. It doesn't overstay it's welcome too much.

    I'm working on getting into Ultra Overkill currently too. I'm not sure move tech really works with boomer shooters but it's still mindless fun. Also chainsaw legs.

  • I’ve been playing Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey and Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer lately. I’ve got a long commute to work, so the DS has become my best friend when I don’t feel like reading. I also started another playthrough of Diddy Kong Racing, initially just to test homebrew N64 emulation on my Switch. It actually runs well! It also plays mostly nicely with widescreen hacks, only downside is I have to run the game at base N64 resolution to avoid slowdown.

    My favorite genre is probably RPGs? But I tend to get really into one or two genres at a time and then switch to something else after a bit. Recently it’s been roguelikes and, briefly, pinball. Before that I was playing a lot of bullet hell games. I think more and more I’m just interested in games that I don’t have to commit to for more than one play session.

    What games coming out in 2024 are you most anticipating? Or games that are coming out sometime in the future?

    I don’t know if this counts but I’m very excited for the Majora’s Mask PC port to release! I’ve been checking their Discord server every day hoping to see news. Otherwise, Demonschool seems pretty interesting, and Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance I suppose? I thought the original release of that was only alright, but hopefully the new route will be something I’m into.

    Sorry if this is against the rules, but I figured this was an appropriate comment to plug ! I opened it last night, but I don’t actually know what to post there lol. I made it with traditional roguelikes in mind, but there’s not any strict rules yet, so if you’ve got opinions on what should be allowed or whatever feel free to chime in.

    • Shin Megami Tensei V is supposed to be insanely good, from what I heard, so definitely get to the DLC.

      • SMT V was pretty good, yeah. I thought it was kind of weak compared to Nocturne and IV, but the game was still a lot of fun, so I’m sure the DLC will be a fun way to revisit it

  • What video games have you played recently?

    Last time I think I said I was playing Lies of P, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Hollow Knight and Dark Souls III. Out of these I have finished Lies of P and started NG+, my plan is to get all achievements, but I haven't played in a week, I hope to get back to it soon. For the others same thing, but more like 2 weeks without playing.

    Other than that I got the platinum in Die in the Dungeon: Origins. Also, I started a new Bloodborne run and it's the second time I actually play for real, I basically finished everything in the main game but the final boss. Right now I'm doing the DLC for the first time since on my first run, 4 years ago, I didn't do it because I heard it was hard and waited until the end to do it, found out the worst way that killing the last boss throws you into NG+ automatically like DS1.

    I'm also giving Chalice Dungeons a proper chance this time, since on my first playthrough I didn't care about them. I gotta say, they are fun, albeit a bit repetitive, and the worst part is how separate it is from the rest of the game. The way Elden Ring tackled this is infinitely better by having it integrated into the world, it feels like just a detour for exploration instead of a chore like in BB.

    Unfortunately I'm dumb and thought there was 6 depths instead of 5 and ended overleveling because of that, doesn't help that the dungeons give you a shit ton of echoes, making you think that you need to keep leveling up. Right now I'm Blood Level 112 still on NG and while Dungeons get tough sometimes, the DLC is challenging, but the bosses are too easy at this level, I just beat Lady Maria first try and felt disappointed because of it. :(

    I'll have to play again to get the last ending for the platinum, so I'll probably just stop leveling up and do NG+ on this level and see how hard the DLC is supposed to be since I should be around a good level already for doing it there.

    What games coming out in 2024 are you most anticipating? Or games that are coming out sometime in the future?

    Cuban indie game, Saviorless, that launched recently looks interesting, I want to give it a try sometime in the future. Other than that, Hades II, No Rest for the Wicked and Elden Ring's DLC.

  • Funny thing, actually! So a buddy showed me this website that allows one to buy games on steam despite the sanctions (steam currently prohibits purchases from Russia, for the record). If anyone is wondering "why not just pirate" - I wanted some specific games and their pirated versions had compatibility issues.

    Anyway, bought myself Sleeping Dogs. Apparently (I didn't know it originally) it's part of the True Crime series, which features undercover cops infiltrating gangs and such. I suppose this premise alone might turn many comrades off.

    This specific title is set in Hong Kong. There's some western chauvinism sprinkled here and there (for example, in the club location there's an ad for "Gulag vodka"). A good amount of characters are westernised, having western names (Jackie Ma, Winston Chu, etc). Protagonist's boss is white even. That said I feel it's doing a decent-ish job of not whitewashing either the gangs or police. Aforementioned boss for example is shown faking evidence at least once so far in my progression and is generally a cold git. Gangs talk a lot about loyalty and family, but also murder and steal with no regards to anyone but themselves.

    Anyway, regardless of the plot, gameplay is quite pleasant. It's an open world TPS, similar to GTA and Mafia series, but with less emphasis on shooting ("guns are rare in Hong Kong", as one character says) and more emphasis on hand to hand fighting. There's mechanics for grappling, throwing, blocks, kicks and punches. Fun stuff, if you're into this kind of games.

    Overall, it's obviously striving to envoke action movie feel. Something from John Woo, or perhaps those Van Damme flicks. Not bad to unwind after work.

    Question of the week

    Admittedly I don't even know what is coming out this year, and most of it would likely melt my wee potato laptop anyway. I was kinda looking forward to Smuta, which is a Russian game, set in 1600's. It had a prominent (online) and openly Marxist historian as a consultant. Unfortunately, the game is apparently shit. Mechanically, plot-wise, just in general. Folks are now mocking said historian in comments to his videos.

    • Smuta, eh? Might check it out regardless...

      • Not entirely sure how to translate the term. Google suggests "troubles", but it's missing the notion of unclarity of the original. The historical period is quite interesting, so it's a real shame the game got panned. We're talking time between Ivan IV dying and Mikhail Romanov getting crowned (thus starting the now notorious Romanov dynasty). Strange times. Polish invaders, false kings, boyars scheming. And technologically too, it's early XVII century - gunpowder ahoy, but still plenty of cold weapons, bows and whatnot

  • Bought the lego batman bundle on steam about a month ago. I loved those games back when i was a kid, so replaying them feels amazing!

  • Actually have some time this weekend to play games and I decided to go back to Guild Wars 2 for a bit. Trying out Condition berserker (more like gearing it up lol).

    I just realized that I have month to finish getting the good stuff out of the wizard's vault, and I feel like this time there's a lot more stuff than the last few resets.

    • They say that there's going to be a Guild Wars 3 soon enough.

      • Well it's no secret Arenanet has wasted a lot of development effort on other games that haven't seen the light of day for at least 5 years (maybe more). With their track record, I'm not expecting to see it, it's just useful to know the real reason as to why the last ecpansion and subsequent updates have been lackluster.

  • I'm playing a lot of Stardew Valley right now. It's been a rough year, and the new patch is exactly the kind of thing I want in my life right now.

    For the upcoming year, I'm very much looking forward to Frostpunk 2 (I played the beta last week, and it was great), and the upcoming Victoria 3 DLCs/patches.

  • Finished FF7 a while ago and another called Cathedral. Started Blasphemous (españita mentioned), good little game

    My favorite has changed over the years. When I was younger I used to like FPS but for the last 2-3 years I've been playing JRPGs almost exclusively. I really like Stalker, I should play Clear Sky again and choose the side of the bandits