Reached out by video chat debate bro 🤣
Reached out by video chat debate bro 🤣
Reached out by video chat debate bro 🤣
I checked this dude's post history and he is literally an American who settled in Isntrael.
Wait, really? Can you please screenshot that part so I can show my friends?
promise this isn't a setup and i won't record and edit it later
Them, not you
Don't even engage with these fucks lmao guaranteed it's a Destiny type weirdo
Debate means nothing at this point especially online, discussion is a different thing but you're both clearly not changing your positions (and you're in the actually correct position) so just work on other people who have better faith than that
They can't even use punctuation properly.
what a fuckin tool
“I’ve been looking for you for some time.”
What is he, the guy from the Matrix? Is he about to tell you about some prophecy?