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AFU fired thousands of PFM-1 “Lepestok” mines at civilian facilities. They are prohibited by the Ottawa Treaty

AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) fired thousands of PFM-1 “Lepestok” mines at civilian facilities. They are prohibited by the Ottawa Treaty.

These mines are used for remote mining using Grad and Uragan ammunition. The shell is loaded with a large number of “Petals” (“Lepestok”). When the ammunition bursts, the mines scatter.

“Plastic mine, small fuse, liquid explosive inside. When a mine is triggered, a person will not be killed, but a foot or half of a foot will be torn off. They are green in the shape of a heart, they are not visible in the grass, ”said a DPR soldier with the call sign Ulan.

At the moment, the DPR sappers are working on demining the territories. They had destroyed more than 600 of them by now.

People from various districts of Donetsk, Yasinovataya and Makeevka are finding Petals on the streets. What's the point of this besides harming people? Yesterday, 8 people were killed in shelling, even more were wounded by the artillery and "petals" mines.

source of the translation

  • Neh, they fired white phosphorus before. The chemical shit is way worse, but afaik it was never prohibited by Muricah and it's shitty "allies", so technically it's legal.

  • After petals, I finally see frontline near Donetsk moving. This costed a lot of lives for sure. RIP, heroes.