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Beware of neofascist grifters pretending to care about Palestine

Neo‐Nazi […] Nick Fuentes laid out this fundamental position on his America First stream, stating, “We’re more antisemitic than we are racist…,” meaning that the movement’s hatred of Jews takes precedence over racism against Palestinians. On an earlier stream, Fuentes stated, “I don’t care that much about this conflict….If Israel’s genocide of Gaza is going to rally international support against them, then once again this becomes a situation in which the enemy of our enemy becomes our friend. We have to recognize there is strategic importance…then we have to support these causes, we have to be strategic about it.”

Neo[fascists] and white nationalists do not oppose the racial and State violence at the center of the settler-colonial project of the [Zionist] state; in fact, many white supremacists look to [it] as a shinning example of a state organized around authoritarian, ethnic lines. In 2017, Richard Spencer stated:

I have also described an ethno-state in a kind of pettier way that calls upon Zionism, and that’s an ethno-state for the future that would be open for all white people. So it would be open for Scotsmen, it would be open for Italians, it would be open for Russians and white Americans. So it would be something similar to Zionism.

Instead, the [neo]fascist far-Right simply sees an opportunity to push its conspiratorial anti-Semitism out to a wider population. They have no actual solidarity with the Palestinians; if they gained power they would murder, displace, and imprison millions. White supremacists simply want to use this moment to spread their hatred of Jews through conspiracy theories and disinformation to a larger audience.


Those taking to the streets by the millions, many of them young anti-Zionist Jews, must reject and oppose attempts by the far-Right to enter into the movement to liberate Palestine. We must make clear our opposition to both anti-Semitism and settler-colonialism, two of the pillars of the modern white nationalist movement. Antifascists must also put in the work of educating the wider public about these groups, their symbols, and why no one who is fighting for the freedom of Palestinians should align with white supremacists, fascists, and neo-Nazis.


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