The Mussolini–Jabotinsky Connection: The Hidden Roots of Israel’s Fascist Past
The Mussolini–Jabotinsky Connection: The Hidden Roots of Israel’s Fascist Past
It is hardly surprising that Italian opposition leader, Matteo Salvini, has vowed that if he becomes Italy's next Prime Minister, he will recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Salvini heads...
![The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection: The Hidden Roots of Israel Fascist Past](
The preferred [Fascist] method to breach the [British] mandate was to build up direct relationships with those political groups who opposed foreign rule. Fascist Italy supported at the same time the Arabic nationalist movement in Palestine as well as the Zionists, for instance, with a Jewish naval school in Civitavecchia. Moreover, a scholarship programme provided graduates of the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali in Bari with the opportunity to get hands-on experience on the Levant. The [Fascist] consulate in Jerusalem supported the programme because Palestine, “given its geographical proximity and its optimal maritime connection […] should be almost exclusively tied to the commerce of our country”. Such domination was still wishful thinking, and therefore the scholarship holders were placed in two sectors where [Fascist] businesses had already gained a foothold: banking and shipping. The Banco di Roma operated branch offices in Palestine, but was limited in scope due to the prevalent influence of British banks. In the sector of shipping, however, the [Fascist] mercantile marine ruled the market. It was exactly in this sector that Fascist Italy was able to economically benefit from the migratory flows towards Palestine.
(Emphasis added.)