My church's wifi name is a fine dad joke I think.
My church's wifi name is a fine dad joke I think.
My church's wifi name is a fine dad joke I think.
Mine is "It hertz when IP"
Not 8Hz WAN IP?
Well, not a few minutes ago.
Mine was once virus.exe.
Another good one would have been "The Promised LAN".
Takes 40 years for the captive portal to load
That's brilliant!
Mine used to be "Router, i hardly knew her!" Now its "Router 66" and "Router65g"
Edit: Just wanted to add to this. Router 66 is a reference to route 66 in america which is a very old highway that spans 2400 miles and it is the name of my 2.4g SSID (see what i did there). I think rhe 65g is fairly self explanatory.
I once named mine virus.exe.
Execute router 66
Mine was UFOaboveURtailer back when I lived in a trailer park.
I’m boring these days. It’s just the default spectrum name.
Mine is "Retrying in 2s..." I used to have a separate 5GHz one named "Retrying in 5s..." too.
Anyone else thinking of VeggieTales after this?
Oh where, is my hairbrush?
Sounds sticky!
My Roku's named "the lamestream media"
I named my Jellyfin media server Cedric.
I used to have mine as Win32.Trojan.Backdoor.Mobi
I love when religions try to be relatable to the commoners after all the atrocities committed by them or in their names.
But, SatansMaggotyCumFart, I figured you to be a fierce advocate of organized religion especially of the WASP variety.
It's really really progressive church who are not like those shitty conservative churches. I don't think anything of those churches either.
For me it's not about the shittiness of the Church. If you are from a progressing and welcoming church then that's great and you're probably giving some people a community who might not have had one otherwise.
I get more caught up in the fact that an adult would actually believe this crap. Even young kids know magic isn't real but actual adult humans believe in it with all their hearts.
My Church
Is this a joke about child abuse or controlling women? Sorry, I don't get it
A “land of milk and honey” is a place of opportunity where one hopes to find a better life. I first heard the term in the song Nancy from Now On by Father John Misty. After looking it up because of this post, at some point in the Bible Israel is described as a land flowing with milk and honey multiple times.
LAN is short for local area network and only one letter away from land, so a church naming their wifi “Lan of Milk and Honey” crosses the similar sounding technical term related to the wifi with a biblical term related to the church, thereby achieving a pun. I hope that helps you get it!