Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser
Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser

Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser
Yeah I'm the bad one because I have no time for homophobic cunts who want to strip minority groups' rights away.
We get it, you hate anybody who isn't a straight white guy.
Bye bye, go simp for some far right twat to somebody else.
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Hell doesn't exist you dipshit nazi. Fuck off and cry about gay people elsewhere.
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Not wanting gay people to have fewer rights or be exterminated is woke? Ok nazi.
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This post isn't about you, it's about Brendan Eich. Someone who donates money to causes that would see rights stripped away from LGBT people. And who also donated money to a politician who said he wants all gay people to die in a plague.
That's the kind of behaviour you're defending. But I get it. LGBT people are the untermensch in your eyes.
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What political movement? There's only the political movement of those that want to strip rights away from and genocide LGBT people.
You're here defending someone who wants to see those people literally be exterminated.
You are a Nazi.