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An attempt to make Lemmy look better

Reddit refugee here.

I have really started to like Lemmy and love the fact that it's free and open source, but I wasn't feeling so home with the UI, so I found nice looking style from but I personally prefer dark theme so I adjusted some colours and made the radiuses and margins bigger. I thought that maybe someone will find this useful and hence I decided to post it here. I am not a professional programmer, just a guy who likes to tinker with computers so this style may not be perfect. Critique, feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Edit: The colors are from reddit and if you want the colors to look more like the original lemmy, change the bg primary and default to hex #303030 and #222222. I really like this color scheme too

--bg-primary: #303030;
--bg-default: #222222;


Edit2: I have now made some small adjustments using the feedback and suggestion I got from you. I'm really grateful for the feedback :)

I also have now two styles, which have slightly different color scheme

Keep the feedback coming ;D Thx

  • I really like it. But I also think that it's not a great idea to use colors similar to Reddit, it's best if Lemmy (or each instance) finds its original design for those

    • Yeah I think so too, and that's why I created two styles with different color schemes. I just think that some reddit refugees might have gotten used to the reddit colors and find them more familiar

  • This is just me but I missed the day when the site provided us to customize our profile page. Like friendster for example we can change the look of the buttons, we can change the size of the fonts and etc.

    It shows us a little bit of our personality. But I know that it's no longer a thing. The closes experience I could think of is how we design our linux desktop. In windows it would be using rainmeter.

  • I've only interacted with Lemmy a few times from a PC, but I can definitely say it looks better your way. I found the webUI frustrating - but it's still in its infantile stage so I can't fault the devs.

  • The main problem with the Lemmy UI on desktop, IMO, is the cramped and narrow page width. There's so much wasted space on either side of the content.

    I'm currently using a customized version of this one:

  • I'm new to installing custom themes like this and cannot find documentation on the website. Anyone have a description on how to install it?

    • userstyles is an extension that overwrites css for websites but spies on your web activity.

  • I love this so much, but is there any way to either move the floating bar tighter to the top of the page so it doesn't obstruct posts as much, or turn off it's floating?

  • Thanks for sharing, need to try this tomorrow!

    Edit: Just installed it now, looks perfect! Great job!

  • Oh nice! Never used any CSS or user.styles stuff before, but that was easy and worked.

    Now watch me be too stupid to try an ever change anything about it for myself...