Free Radio Silence...
Free Radio Silence...
Free Radio Silence...
Really not an expert but if you lock up civilians who admittedly not taking part in any fighting, for up to 4 months in an armed conflict and releasing them in a trade, doesn't that conflict the Geneva convention part 1, article 3?
Seriously, am I wrong here?
If Israel violates the Geneva convention, but the entire mainstream media apparatus refuses to report on it, did Israel violate the Geneva convention?
The real question is whether there are any provisions of the Geneva convention Israel isn't already violating. (If so, don't point them out. They'll take it as a challenge.)
Good to know, but how is this a meme?
No, you don't get it they were in places the IDF was going to bomb which is why they needed to be in prisons...for their safety...while they bomb their homes.
Israel has a blank check to kill Palestinians... US and EU is helping them.
Radio Free Silence