For anyone who like me was unaware why Trump all of a sudden cares about Greenland and Panama
For anyone who like me was unaware why Trump all of a sudden cares about Greenland and Panama
For anyone who like me was unaware why Trump all of a sudden cares about Greenland and Panama
We got a Russian sock puppet as president again. Yay.
Again? Who was the ot- Oh you mean when he was president the first time?
If only we could have seen this coming like 10 fucking years ago.
I need an "I'm with stupid" shirt pointing all around me.
Panama is also currently investigating the Trump Org for tax evasion
i hadn't heard that one. but woohoo get 'em boys. do a noriega--come here and drag his fat diaper-covered ass back there for judgement.
The guy illegally attempted to overturn an election. Spread a deadly lie about our institutions that incited an insurrection. Stole classified documents and refused to return them when asked. Stated he trusted Russian intelligence over U.S. intelligence on live television.
The man is quite literally a traitor to the United States of America.
And, as a nation, we decided that not only was it not a big enough deal to do anything about, but that we should totally let him be president again.
No one should be surprised about this, or any of the insane shit we'll be hearing over the next 4 years.
Welcome to the new normal. It's going to be bad. And it's going to get worse. And it'll probably continue after Trump is gone because that's what happens when this kind of stuff gets normalized.
America is failing, and this is probably just the beginning.
Yup, failing, or already failed and we're just waiting for the ashes to settle. I don't think democracy can work when the public is intentionally being misinformed, and no country can be stable when it's governed by a shitstorm of lies.
Y'all weren't that misinformed. He got up on stage and rambled. He got up on stage and said nothing while he barely gyrated his hips for 40 minutes. He grabbed em by the pussy.
The whole election campaign was so laughably bad that it became a flex of how he is going to get away with everything. If you voted him in knowing all this than who gives a fuck what he does.
Just wait till you see the price of eggs...
Donald Trump is Putin's bitch
I want to make t-shirts, billboards, bumper stickers with that slogan... Put them everywhere - putin holding trump's leash who is lifting a leg and pissing on the US.
I wonder if that would get under his thin, spray painted skin like the 'President Musk' stuff did.
The crazy part is, this isn't "all of the sudden". It's just another crazy talking point people forgot about from his last term.
And Biden was also annexing regions in the arctic.
And I wipe from back to front. What's your point?
Boring, kooky, and now repetitive. I've scratched my head all day trying to make sense of your many, many posts on this page, and all I've got is a fresh bald spot.
Time for a time out.
It's also a distraction tactic, so the Trump admin can ban trans people from sports, to ease people for the eventual banning of trans people.
I kind of suspect treating people poorly is the distraction. He's trying to make sure people don't notice that putin's hand is up his ass.
Yeah he doesn't care about trans people, he cares about sweet sweet corruption.
Trump doesn't have anywhere near the power he thinks he has. This is all just bluster like 90% of everything else that comes out of his mouth.
I hope you’re right.
I am expecting the worst. We are going to be turned into shithole Russia very fast.
bro literally did something that would get him on the chair in any country that knows what freedom and liberty means, and americans put him back in the office right after supreme court threw out all his charges saying "president can do whatever". One can now only hope he is more talk than walk.
With greenland you get all of the mineral rights that are melting out of it, you get the fishing rights around it and access to the northwest passage route as the north pole melts.
Putin's poodle is a pushover again.
Send this to my dad so he can write, "Russiagate" and then go listen to reruns of rush.
I have no idea how we get through to these people.
The US is a client state of the russian mafia. And Americans at large are too stupid to care
Absolutely none of this bugs me in any way whatsoever.
Honestly I think the "Trump as an agent of Russia" take is an extremely uninformed take on geopolitics. Trump is an agent of the U.S. empire. That's why he supports all the U.S. fascist militarism, xenophobia, giveaways to arms manufacturers, oil/gas/etc. companies, giveaways to Wall Street, all of that. Russia is a whole separate power structure whose interests are largely opposed to those of the U.S. empire. So where does that leave you? It seems this is meant more for Democrat ingestion and boogeymanism/scapegoating to detract attention away from the actual workings of the system here.
Ooh, this is interesting.
I've talked before about how I have a working theory about how when the top comments section looks "wrong," some of the propaganda accounts will make new top-level comments and top-level replies, in a sudden flurry of activity to a previously pretty dormant comments section, until it looks "right" again and the conversation they're trying to downplay, in this case suprh_ninja getting ridiculed for being transparent propaganda, is shifted to way down the page.
That might sound like some tinfoil hat stuff except for how low-effort and bizarre this comment is. Trump was proven after extensive investigation to be an agent of Russia. He's pretty open about it. He is actively hostile to the US empire, both the good and bad parts, although he is also aligned with a lot of domestic fascist elements. Are you saying Trump is happy about spending $60 billion dollars on aid for Ukraine, because it's part of "all the giveaways to arms manufacturers"?
He's "actively hostile" to the U.S. empire? Show me where he decreased its budget:
It's ridiculous to just start throwing around "propaganda" accusations at any random user you disagree with. Evidence first, smears later.
What "extensive investigation"? What is the specific evidence that was shown to the public, and what does it establish?
Trump is a war criminal and a fascist, focus on what you can actually prove that he's done wrong, so you're not chasing red herrings that validate him to his supporters when you can't prove them.
I believe Russia has influence operations for purposes of making US divisive, fanning both neo-nazi/hatred, and victim attention/reaction against right wing hate. You can consider Russian influence assistance to the GOP agenda of pillaging America, but there is no debt/subservience to Russia by US politicians, and GOP messaging would not differ in the slightest. It just gains volume. Russia DGAFs about Canada, Greenland, Panama changes.
There should be a reaction from "allies"/world to pivot to much lesser evil Russia/China from new US warmongering freedom, but even Biden's war on Russia was simply a perpetual weapons and oil profits scheme meant to subjugate Europe. That Trump offers bigger military budget and harsher terms for EU existence is just a continuation of simps who promise to be simps under all circumstances being punished more harshly for their alliance.
An empire builder would work with existing alliances, surely, rather than weakening them all systematically, threatening the allies, and undermining their governments until only the USA's enemies remain strong, while simultaneously implementing policies that damage the USA's own economy.
Empires are generally more about having puppet states - subsidiaries - then "allies" that they're on equal footing with. It's tempting to think of things in terms of countries being allies, since that's how we're used to thinking of the organization of the world, but economically - i.e., in terms of the bulk of how power is exercised - those boundaries are more like minor obstacles than defining features. I say "U.S. empire", the U.S. is the seat, but states like the UK, Germany, and so on ad infinitum, are just under the same command structure. One "country", the government and related machinery, undermining another, that looks more like a power struggle inside a corporation.
I'd also point out that Russia doesn't have this kind of influence compared to the West. At all. The U.S. has over ten times the GDP of Russia. You factor in the other OECD countries, we're talking 20-30 times as much. That's one economic bloc. You throw in the other BRIC countries on the other side, it starts looking a little more balanced, but still not even close.
This reads like a conspiracy theory. But this whole site is basically nothing but.
Greenland is a good move, strategically, for the US.
Very sad Putin derangement syndrome in post.
Greenland is needed for US to attack Europe. He doesn't want it to put Russian bomber/nuke bases there, he wants it out of Europe control.
Panama is obedient US slave for its sanctions on Russia. Panama is not threatening to remove sanctions before US and other colonies remove them. Russia does not do much transit through there. It already has access to both oceans. Pure propaganda to say US control of Panama canal is for Russian interests. It is to block Chinese use.
Russia is not interested in developing far away Canadian offshore resources. Like Greenland, there is no infrastructure there to bring them to customers/users. Russia has many decades of resources/development projects on its own sparsely populated, largest by far coastline, Arctic waters. Explosive level of delusion to think Trump wants to give Russia access to "New USA" coast for projects.
War on Russia is extremely stupid and unwinnable. You don't need to be paid by Putin to not understand the stupidity and evil. Much better to take over Canada, Europe and Americas for successful evil. The derangement level in this post deflects from the actual obvious evil of US empire, as if you morons should go fight Russia instead.
I’ve talked before about how I have a working theory about how when the top comments section looks “wrong,” some of the propaganda accounts will make new top-level comments and top-level replies, in a sudden flurry of activity to a previously pretty dormant comments section, until it looks “right” again and the conversation they’re trying to downplay, in this case surph_ninja getting ridiculed for being transparent propaganda, is shifted to way down the page.
Timestamps of the top-level comments on this post:
I feel bad that this comments section has now completely been taken over by conversations about propaganda. It's meaner and less fun to talk about than the original political subject matter. On the other hand, for as long as people are posting propaganda, I guess it's important for us to be talking about how people are posting propaganda. I will give kudos to the parent comment for being a lot higher caliber of propaganda comment than surph_ninja's attempt.
This just reached my frontpage. There are alternated explanations to your madness. Propagandist evil deflections bordering on absurd just because "Putin is evil because Stalin was evil" but Yeltsin was a glorious "freedom and democracy" CIA sockpuppet who privatized the country with western financing, and then everything Trump does is because Putin has a pee tape, is a meme narrative that you are significantly overstretching here. All of these threats are pro US empire threats. That reaction against the threats gives colonies a rationality wake up call to no longer treat US as a friend is the open question that most colonial leaders are already too invested in corruption/capture to contemplate.
Y’all act like this is solely a Trump thing, but the US was expanding and annexing territory in the arctic during the Biden admin, while getting all of their “allies” to expend all of their military assets & ammunition reserves on a proxy war and a genocide.
It would be unwise to assume this is another crackpot Trump scheme, and not something the MIC & intelligence agencies have been preparing for years.
Reported for misinformation. Usually I think the propagandists can just be dealt with by disagreeing in the comments and letting people figure out who is and isn't full of shit, but this has crossed into the territory of being pure annoying noise.
With @surph_ninja's follow-up links, it's not quite 'misinformation'. More like, bonkers extrapolation, based on slivers of cherry-picked truth. The nuttiness exposes itself.
Claiming that CIRES thing amounts to "the US was expanding and annexing territory in the arctic during the Biden admin"? Thinking a propaganda quote from 2023 shows "all [war allies'] military assets & ammunition reserves" are being depleted?
Nah, I'll let it stand. When gullible people show how they swallow whatever they swallow and regurgitate, it's educational (just not in the way @surph_ninja thinks).
Do you bother trying to look into anything, or do you just immediately label anything you don’t like as misinformation?
Denmark donated all of their F-16s to Ukraine, and aren’t expecting the replacement F-35s for years, leaving them in a worse defensive position for Greenland:
This is exactly how the US toppled the USSR, by getting them to throw everything they had at expensive proxy wars. You think these psychos happily tolerate competition from the EU? We have plenty of leaked State Dept cables and email proving they’ve been spying on our “allies” and interfering in their elections for decades.
For all the people reporting this comment (half a dozen so far, maybe more), my mod-answer is here. Certainly, @surph_ninja seems to be a fool and an insufferable twat, but life is full of fools and insufferable twats.
How many of those people are Philip’s alts? He wrote a straight up guide on running bot accounts in these comments, and this isn’t even the first time he’s done this.
This is ridiculous. Glad I could find some unscrubbed articles. Not sure why Phil doesn’t have to do the same for his unsourced claims and accusations.