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Brazilian's impression on Europe(i have never been there and this is based on nothing)

this one is for the Europeans who laughed when i made fun of the Yankees.

Before the fun police comes and confiscates my post, this is obviously a joke and should not be taken seriously(unless you are Portuguese)

Mapporn Circlejerk

Brazilian's impression on Europe(i have never been there and this is based on nothing)

26 1

Brazilian's impression on Europe(i have never been there and this is based on nothing)

0 3

Brazilian's impression on Europe(i have never been there and this is based on nothing)

95 12
  • Islands at the end of something looking like boot : exists

    Brazillians : 👀 o fute bal detectãoinho!

    • if there was more Brazilians in Italy i guarantee to you that very ball shaped island would no longer be nowhere near that very boot shaped piece of land

  • should I

    1. Mock Bulgaria
    2. Swear out Greece
    3. Sing my praises for Erdogan
    4. Act extremely nationalistic for Turkey