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2024 Presidential Election Megapost!

Edit 12:11 PM 11/6 Pacific
Kentucky (8), Indiana (11), West Virginia (4), Florida (30), South Carolina (9), Tennessee (11), Alabama (9), Mississippi (6), Oklahoma (7), Arkansas (6), North Dakota (3), South Dakota (3), Nebraska (4*), Wyoming (3), Louisiana (8), Texas (40), Ohio (17), Missouri (10), Montana (4), Utah (6), Idaho (4), Iowa (6), Kansas (6), North Carolina (BG-16), Georgia (BG-16), Pennsylvanya (BG-19), Wisconsin (10), Michigan (15), Maine (1*), Alaska (3), Arizona (11) and Nevada (6) called for Trump.

Vermont (3), Connecticut (7), District of Columbia (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), Rhode Island (4), Delaware (3), Illinois (19), New Jersey (14), New York (28), Colorado (10), California (54), Washington (12), Oregon (8), Virginia (13), Hawaii (4), New Mexico (5), New Hampshire (4), Minnesota (10), Nebraska (1*), Maine (3*) for Harris.

2 counties in PA have extended voting hours due to voting machine problems. 9:30 PM in one, 10:00 PM in the other.

Multiple precincts in Georgia have extended hours due to bomb threats.

Edit 03:09 PM Pacific Harris wins Guam.

This thread is for the Presidential election, my plan is to start marking wins as soon as they are called, sorted by time zone.

Some states are going to take longer than others. Polls generally close at 8 PM local time, but they can't start counting early/mail in votes until after the polls close.

Wisconsin in particular has an interesting system where ballots are collected by MUNICIPALITY, not precinct, they have over 1,800 ballot counting locations and don't report until ALL 1,800 are in.

Currently 226 EC votes from Blue States:

4+19+10+7+3+3+4+10+11 +4+14+28+4+3+13+54+12 +10+5+8+6

NC called for Trump. -16 here, +16 to Trump.

GA called for Trump. -16 here, +16 to Trump.

PA called for Trump. -19 here, +19 to Trump.

AZ and NV both called for Trump, +11, +6

Which leaves 312 EC votes in Red States.

9+6+6+6+8+6+10+5+3+7 +3+40+30+11+8+17+9+11+4+3+4+4+3+16+16+19+11+6

270 to Win.

Online map here!

  • I have young kids.. My wife always asks me if bringing them into this world was a mistake. I was always the optimist telling her I didn't think it so. Now I don't know what to feel. What are they going to do... Ugh. This is a waking nightmare. I'm scared.

  • 8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific

    Puerto Rico - Nonbinding - Harris win.
    United States Virgin Islands - Not voting.
    (D 7 EC Votes) Connecticut - Called For Harris
    (D 3) Delaware - Called For Harris
    (D 3) District of Columbia - Called For Harris
    (D 4) Maine - Called For Harris
    (D 10) Maryland - Called For Harris
    (D 11) Massachusetts - Called For Harris
    (D 4) New Hampshire - Called For Harris
    (D 14) New Jersey - Called For Harris
    (D 28) New York - Called For Harris
    (D 4) Rhode Island - Called For Harris
    (D 3) Vermont - Called For Harris
    (D 13) Virginia - Called For Harris

    (R 30) Florida - Called For Trump
    (BG 16) Georgia - Called For Trump
    (R 11) Indiana - Called for Trump
    (R 8) Kentucky - Called for Trump
    (BG 15) Michigan - Called For Trump
    (BG 16) North Carolina - Called For Trump
    (R 17) Ohio - Called For Trump
    (BG 19) Pennsylvania - Called For Trump
    (R 9) South Carolina - Called For Trump
    (R 11) Tennessee - Called For Trump
    (R 4) West Virginia - Called for Trump

  • I did my part. You all need to get out and vote if you havent already.

    I'm a little pissed off that our Election Officials were allowing Trump voters to wear hats and shirts while they were voting. But I guess they didn't want to chance the risk of these violent fuckers fucking up the voting.

    • That's electioneering and not allowed.

      • they've already been assaulting poll workers who asked them to remove their political stuff for voting.

        Remember, for some reason, society bends over backwards to make sure conservatives don't get held to the same standard as everyone else.

        Trump being the best example. Democrat who did one of the things he did would have long since been in jail.

  • Harris has ONE path to victory, ONE.

    She has to win PA, MI, WI, MN.

    Losing any one of those 4 states ends it.

    MSNBC just called PA for Trump. That's it, it's over!

  • 9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific
    (R 9 EC Votes) Alabama - Called For Trump
    (R 6) Arkansas - Called For Trump
    (R 6) Iowa - Called For Trump
    (R 6) Kansas - Called For Trump
    (R 8) Louisiana - Called For Trump
    (R 6) Mississippi - Called For Trump
    (R 10) Missouri - Called For Trump
    (R 5) Nebraska - Called For Trump
    (R 3) North Dakota - Called For Trump
    (R 7) Oklahoma - Called For Trump
    (R 3) South Dakota - Called For Trump
    (R 40) Texas - Called For Trump
    (BG 10) Wisconsin - Called For Trump

    (D 19) Illinois - Called For Harris
    (D 10) Minnesota - Called For Harris

  • Fucking Dixville. You guys had no problem voting for Biden, but half can't vote for the colored lady. That's a bridge too far.

    • 4 Republicans and 2 Undecideds.

      • Wow. Actually, the fact that Harris won three from a crowd like that is pretty cool.

      • GröpenFührer said he's going to use the military against the US citizens.

        That alone from all the crazy shit he's said should result in an immediate 6-0 vote for Harris.

  • 11 PM Eastern / 8 PM Pacific
    (D 54 EC Votes) California - Called For Harris
    (D 12) Washington - Called For Harris

  • 10 PM Eastern / 7 PM Pacific
    (BG 11 EC Votes) Arizona - Called for Trump
    (BG 6) Nevada - Called For Trump
    (R 4) Idaho - Called For Trump
    (R 4) Montana - Called For Trump
    (D 6) Utah - Called For Trump
    (R 3) Wyoming - Called For Trump
    (D 10) Colorado - Called For Harris
    (D 5) New Mexico - Called For Harris
    (D 8) Oregon - Called For Harris

  • My favorite take on this comes from James Carville:

    "I'm gonna sleep soundly tonight. Have a couple of bourbons, maybe a gummy or two, but yeah. Gonna sleep soundly tonight on her chances to win this thing."