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  • Extended Experienced PD entry shows Serenity PD icon.

    Shorter PD entry uses Minecraft PD icon.

    Rat King Adventures entry uses EZ Dungeon icon.

    Experienced PD 1.x is not present (it's a different mod from Experienced PD 2.x).

    • Appreciate the review. Making corrections and will upload a revised version soon.

      • Rearranged PD uses debug icons which is incorrect.

        My own guess for why there is so many incorrect icons is:

        a) you choose icons manually, which is not really a good thing, if this thing is supposed to be automated

        b) your tools just pick ic_launcher.png... which is incorrect choice for many post-2019 forks due to actual two-layer format of icon, composed of foreground and background pngs; you should compose a full icon, if those layer files are available

        Also, a fatal flaw: all download links point to your local file system, so they are useless to anyone who doesn't have access to your I: hard drive.

      • Also, here's a question: do all mod and zaystringofnumbers mods do translations? or there is something else?

  • I have added Pixel Dungeon Trainer and Pixel Darkest Dungeon plus mod.

    The icon issue is with APKanalyzer on both PC and Android. Multiple images icon fault the program.

    Android can do it but not the extraction tools.

    This is where I have to do it manually.

  • I have removed a duplicate of Voxel PD.

    I have removed YASPD v4.13 as it turns out that it is the same as Powered Pixel Dungeon v4.13, renamed by the coder.

    I have been granted 10GB of storage and am uploading the archive. This will take a while.

    The next PDF will link to the APK files.

  • The REarranged icons are corrected and will be in the next update.

    I am going to give this a few days to allow for further review.

    If nothing else comes up I will update the PDF here.

  • MIA since 2019, I am proud to announce that Overgrown PD v0.0.3 has been added to the archive.

  • After many weeks of frustration I have successfully compiled a new desktop version of PD 1.9.2a

    I have applied bug fixes from FKHals and UndyingScroll repositories.

    I have also updated most of the core code and produced a 32/64bit jar file that works on Windows 10 and 11.

    It has been added to the Windows/JAVA folder 📂

  • I have completed uploading the archive. The old GDrive has been removed. The PDF has been updated for links 🔗

    A WebDAV interface has been added. You will need to login to download from the PDF or website. This is to prevent leeching.

    If anyone has a PD apk that you want added, send me a PM here with the link and I'll do so.

  • Added some colour to the PDF.

    Titles, package names, and links are now easier to find.

  • I have added some addition PD's for other systems.

    Pixel Dungeon Plus and an assortment of JAVA PD's for Windows.

    I also added the NRO ROM for PD on the Ninteno Switch.

    I added 00-Evan's gitHub release link for anyone interested in Linux, MacOS or other versions.

    I added Winter Gem PD. An old PD mod from 2015.

    The current APK's now total 417.

  • I've add several PD Ice versions.

    Fixed a few more icons.

    Did some work on the PDF so that it displays better and is much smaller now.

  • I have updated my tools to gather information for an APK from the APK, from my database, and now scrapes information from Fandom.

    Fandom is dated and not entirely accurate, but it does have extensive information on 70 Pixel Dungeon mod.

    I'm endeavoring to scrape information from Github, but the inconsistent format and recent connection banning has made it difficult.

    Meanwhile, I have 436 Pixel Dungeon mod's included now.

  • PDreport.pdf has been updated. 454 apk's.

    I've expanded the API data to include the Android version and codename.

    I have resolved the issues with Minecraft PD. There exists 3 versions using the same title and package name.

  • Added a few more PD's.

    Corrected an annoying spell checker issue that changed Sarius into Serius.

    I now have all PD's covered by Fandom, Omnicron9, and DominoWood, including all those reported as missing.

  • I have compiled a few desktop jar's from v1.7.2 to v1.9.2a, and added several more apk's.

    Working with Gradle v1.1 is an exercise in patience.

    I have no doubt that at least 10 more apk's are hiding somewhere to make for 500 PD's.

  • I have been asked if I would be porting SPD from Steam?

    Absolutely, no. I obtained a copy and as I suspected, it is not worth the effort. Steam gets many of its games from software pirate, GOG. GOG tries to put on a legitimate front but are just another Abandonware site. Having ripped apart several of GOG's so-called DOS game ports I discovered that they were really just taking games from other Abandonware sites (including the cracks and team NFO). They then put the game into a DOSbox and put it all into a wrapper with all of GOG's garbage. They berate Abandonware sites and get them shut down, and then turn around and sell the games! Worse, Steam then puts it into another wrapper to push their own garbage. What you end up with is a game 500% larger than it was and no different than you can download from Abandonware sites, that is, if GOG hasn't taken over. I tore apart the SPD and it is nothing more than the desktop JAVA version bundled with a JVM and a load of unnecessary Steam and GOG code. Therefore, there is no need to port it.

  • Thanks to a contact in mainland China, I have added about a dozen CN language translations for various Pixel Dungeons.

    As of this post, that brings the archive to 413 apk's.

  • I have finally been able to port the PICO-8 version of Pixel Dungeon to Android and get it to work without altering the original code.

    I have added it to the archive.

  • Although not APK's, I have added the JAVA version of Pixel Dungeon v1.9.2a, and Pixel Dungeon Plus v1.1.21.0 for Windows x64 by Stormtek.

  • I have acquired and added the data for Voxel PD.

    I have also sorted out the problem with Survival Pixel Dungeon and Overgrown Pixel Dungeon.

    Survival is based on Overgrown and the package name wasn't changed.

  • I've added several more very old and hard to find apk's.

    I have also received several requests to remove seed 🌱 jar's from the game jar's. I concour and have moved them into a separate folder 📂