Their Problem Is That Israel Won’t Roll Over and Die
Their Problem Is That Israel Won’t Roll Over and Die
Their Problem Is That Israel Won’t Roll Over and Die
Oh really? Is that the problem? It's not that Israel is a terrorist state actively committing a genocide?
Seriously, go fuck yourself, OP.
under geneva conventions those who use human shields are responsible for civilian deaths
Oh you're going to quote the Geneva conventions? I wonder what they have to say about torture, or about mutilation, or cruel treatment? How about humiliating / degrading treatment? How about summary executions?
Actually, I don't have to wonder. Article 3, the article that deals with a state in conflict with non-state actors, specifically prohibits all of that. And yet, Israel ROUTINELY does all that shit.
So fuck you. And fuck Israel. They're a bunch of fucking war criminals, and you're a fucking genocide apologist.
Lots of people disagree with you though. So I don't think OP fucking himself is gonna change that.