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So how’s everyone here liking Pikmin 4 so far?

I’m about 5 hours in. I’ve 100%’d the opening stage and I just completed my first night mission. I’m loving it so far but have forced myself to take a break. It’s been 10 years since Pikmin 3. I really need to savor this.

  • Fiancé has been paying it - seems really nice looking, but the beginning seems very frustrating with how much the game stops you to tutorialize. The lack of being able to swing the pikmin to attack/pick up things is also unfortunate.

  • Really enjoying it so far - about an hour of tutorial, then straight into it. Cleared the first area, and now I have theories about the leafling (not gonna elaborate because I dunno how to spoiler tag on Lemmy) and a deep love of everything Oatchi represents

  • I'm loving it, though it's not as fun as Pikmin 3 Deluxe was. My husband and I played co-op and we dandori'd the fuck out of that game, it was awesome. For 4 we're taking turns doing a day/night each, haven't tried the "co-op" yet because it sounds incredibly lame.

    Oatchie makes the game so much easier. For better and worse, but I think more better than worse, I basically just treat him as a noble steed to take advantage of not having to worry about stragglers.