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  • I mean, (and I'm just playing here, so please don't take it serious), I have seen porn where the results look like this. Usually gang bangs, but still.

    Jokes aside, I dig the idea, though the execution would need some tweaking imo.

    Like, bacos for the crunch is a great idea. Better than actual bacon crunch wise, and sometimes it's okay to err on the side of texture.

    If the cheese sauce is done right, you could be looking at a hit. Might wanna be a little neater with presentation, if you're showing it off in a food porn community, but that's whatever.

    I'm kinda thinking you want a sharp or extra sharp cheddar for the sauce so it can hold up to the rather single note chemical taste of bacos. Going with pre-processed cheese won't hold up, it's too shallow a flavor, with no real way to balance off the bacos other than by dint of fattiness and its own chemicaly taste.

    Might boil the dogs in beer, let them stay a little lighter in flavor and let the bitterness of the beer serve as a contrast to all the fats involved.

    Not something I'd likely do for myself, bacos linger in burps way too long at my age. But it's got potential

  • Get actual bread and put it on an actual plate and I might consider it. But in this state it is gonna be a no from me.

  • this is the funniest shit I've ever seen on this site, it's 8:55 in the morning and I'm seriously in tears laughing.

  • Nope.

    I’ll order some pizza instead. Nothing personal… hotdogs just start gross.