Sync for lemmy patch is ready
Sync for lemmy patch is ready

feat: Support for Sync for Lemmy · Issue #539 · ReVanced/revanced-patches

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Sync for lemmy patch is ready
feat: Support for Sync for Lemmy · Issue #539 · ReVanced/revanced-patches
Enjoy the apps without ads!
So now the developer gets nothing in return for creating the app?
I just use thunder-app, Fast and good UI, free and open source. A really nice app.
Sync is good, but I'm not sure if it's discontinued. If it is, that would be a shame.
This app alone (along with boost) helped seamlessly shift a lot of user to lemmy.
It's not discontinued. Imo patching out ads in this case is pretty lame, since it's just a single dev making a good product, but who am I to judge.
Sync has got a flurry of updates on the last two weeks, so it's not discontinued.
Definitely not discontinued. The Dev's workflow has been like this for years (when it was a Reddit app).
He works like a madman for a spell releasing update after update, fixing issues, introducing features, etc, then takes a break for a while and then comes back to it again.
Also, he replied to a query about Sync 3 days ago, so still active I'm glad to say :-)