The Star Trek Fleet Museum of Anomalies
The Star Trek Fleet Museum of Anomalies
The Star Trek Fleet Museum of Anomalies
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I don't remember... Was the Charon's size mentioned in the show? Or is this from background notes or something?
I mean clearly it was crazily huge, I'm just wondering where the 9600 meters figure came from.
From what I can tell it's been put together from the shots of the Discovery travelling through the center of it. We know Discoveries size so you could calculate it. That being said the show only ever describes it as city sized
Several typos but cool
Are you telling me there's no Word Razer?
Start on the far left. “Real in objects” Should be “reel in objects”
It would be nice if the labels were legible so we can tell which ship is which. Is the one on the right The Defiant? I didn't realize that it's so small. What is the huge one that's mostly not visible? Is that the Roman ship from the Insurrection movie?