PC Gamer 2015: Let's stop calling ourselves the 'PC Master Race'
PC Gamer 2015: Let's stop calling ourselves the 'PC Master Race'

Old jokes die hard, but PC gamers should really find a new name.

Why tf is yesterdays discussion blocked?
PC Gamer 2015: Let's stop calling ourselves the 'PC Master Race'
Old jokes die hard, but PC gamers should really find a new name.
Why tf is yesterdays discussion blocked?
Just a quick point here that I'll keep this thread open. Please keep this conversation civil.
I closed yesterday's post because it got real nasty real quick. We can't do that here. We're all gamers/PC enthusiasts, and we should have a welcoming and respectful community. Yesterday's post was the opposite of that.
Therefore I'll monitor this post and purge any comments that do not conform to the Rules placed in this community, as well as the rules placed by the Fediverse.
Everyone has different opinions, but we can't be nasty to each other for it. I'll always treat you all with respect and kindness.
Meanwhle, this article does raise an important perspective, and it should be something everyone here should read rather than just going straight to the comments to possibly insult each other. We need to think about what's best for the community going forward, and love and accept everyone. It's important we challenge our views, or else we'll end up in an echo chamber that resonates the same hivemind in perpetuity. We must continuously challenge our views with kindess, not with hate and anger.
Best way to do that is to talk about it - civilly.
I appreciate your efforts to keep things civil, even with the lacking tools to do so here on Lemmy. I hope y'all as mods take this conversation seriously because regardless of its history, at best it's been co-opted by hateful people (IE the locked thread) and at its worse it's a dog whistle for authoritarian/racist behavior. If you want civility, change the name. Only more of these 4chan rejects will come if you all do not.
because regardless of its history, at best it’s been co-opted by hateful people (IE the locked thread) and at its worse it’s a dog whistle for authoritarian/racist behavior.
Well, that sounds nice, but you seem to have forgotten to bring literally anything to back up any of that.
At no point in time do I remember going onto r/pcmasterrace and thinking "wow, this place turned into a rightwing shithole, where did all of the nazis come from?".
Just because you say that everything's been co-opted doesn't mean that it has just because you don't like the name for arbitrary reasons.
This whole thing is an argument about nothing.
I'm here for the popcorn. Maybe to sell some.
I'm for changing the name, not because it offends me, but because it harms no one. This kind of change is healthy for those of us that are old enough to vehemently resist change just because we can. The rise of right wing authoritarianism in the USA is also a great reason to reject anything that remotely resembles a positive spin on fascism, even if it was never intended as such. I think the name was satirical in its original intent, but such simple obvious satire may fail to register with the types of people primarily targeted by authoritarian politics. It's not worth repeating dystopian nightmares. Stupid people are the dangerous numerical majority.
Then if those people come in, we can just ban them and send them back to Stormfront or whatever rock they crawled out from under.
There's no reason to surrender the name of our community to them based on absolutely nothing. The very idea is asanine.
This is the correct answer.
I’m sorry, but this is a ridiculous discussion. What would you change the name to? PCGaming? Then go subscribe to that community.
Why would you subscribe to this community if you have a problem with its name?
“PC Master Race” is just a joke and a meme. That’s it.
The term "The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race" was used as an ironic expression to describe PC Gamers by game reviewer and comedic writer "Yahtzee" on a review for The Witcher.
”PC Master Race” is just a joke and a meme. That’s it.
You say that but just an hour or so ago, I used this community (ok, I was talking about the subreddit) alongside the Flat Earth Society, and The Donald subreddit, as examples of communities that started as jokes but then people started joining unironically and promoting the toxicity that was being made fun of to begin with.
Personally, I’ve had /r/PCMR blocked for years now, so I have no idea if it’s as toxic as it used to be. I’ll wait until I see evidence one way or the other before deciding to add this community to my block list. But I just wanted to point out that, at least for a while, the joke of this community got very much so out of hand.
There's enjoying PC gaming and then there's believing it to be superior to consoles. For the former, go join PCGaming or similar communities. For the latter, welcome to PCMR. I don't mind the "PC Master Race" meme and think changing it is silly. Pick your battles; spend your valuable time and effort on things that matter.
Not only that, but PCMasterRace implies a certain tolerance for memes and shitposting. PCGaming sounds like a serious community that's actually about gaming. PCMR is a silly name for a silly place.
Yeah let’s be honest if the PCMR reddit community had the chance to holocaust console gamers they probably would. Here in the Fediverse we’re more civilized and gentlemanly and accepting but I think the name is fine, no one will go nazi over it.
This is such a waste of a conversation, if you're offended by "pcmasterrace" I can't imagine how offended you by everything else out there. Like pick a real battle instead of these pointless skirmishes
Seen the thread yesterday. This shit is silly.
I mean, let's be real: it's a silly joke and I remember that episode. But, many influences, including ZP and TB have explained why desktop isn't so much a master race, but rather the platform that can do it all, better, because it's the only one that you can seriously upgrade, is fully modular, and is doing fully multi purpose. Pcmr people spend way more money on their pc because you CAN get all these things, and they WANT to. And, you don't have to buy the same games over and over.
I dunno, master race is obviously tongue in check, but it's definitely my primary and home platform because of these benefits and many more.
Nah I’m good, thanks
May I ask why this is where you draw the line?
Personally, for the same reason that I get annoyed when streets get renamed. This community isn't named the way it is to support hate and the vast majority of its users disagree with hateful viewpoints, it's named like this so people can find the community of PC enthusiasts that they're looking for. This is what it was on reddit, thus it's the same here.
To be blunt, if people don't like the name, the best solution is to stop posting content here and instead post in an alternative community with a name they find more suitable. Nobody's here for the name, they're here for the content and the people and they'll migrate if those do. Just like reddit's recent exodus.
So your answer to a locked discussion is to open a new one? How many pointless threads do we need to have about this shit take? Are we going to dig out articles from 8 years ago now when you ran out of other arguments? Go to another community if it bothers you, and mods pls lock this one as well
lol another bleeding heart trying to fix the world and missing at every attempt. Every time this kind of thing gets posted the internet grips harder.
I like the name, it is comedic, specially because I only have a 1650.
All hail the master race
It's literally in the comments. Mod note about multiple violations. edit: I only posted the mod link, quit blaming me.
Ah shit, here we go again. This is getting sad and old.
Alternative Invidious link:
Ah shit, here we go again.: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KOaeDHeJ80I
(Invidious is a privacy-respecting frontend for YouTube)
I cannot help but feel you probably think Rammstein songs are all racist and Anti-Semitic
Do they contain white supremacist rhetoric?