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  • As someone who has had been around Linux-based people and whenever I have had a single gripe about Windows - it's this.

    I don't have a hate boner with Linux, I just feel like Linux is a little too much for the average casual user. Everything is fine until they run into a single issue with Linux, if the bewilderment of not having their familiar easy to run programs that they had on Windows wasn't a turn off for them from the get-go.

    • I would disagree with "average casual user" or maybe I think about them differently. For me average casual user now is completely fine with Linux distribution like Mint or Ubuntu or similar (or maybe chrome os). And with that they are little bit safer online as they are usual targets and victims of malicious software etc.

      I think casual users are type of people completely happy with internet browser, media player, image viewer and just basic software ... They are usually satisfied with regular Android phone Wich is enough for everything they do in computer space.

      This type of users (like my mother and other members of family) are fine with major Linux distros. They don't care about OS they use, it means nothing to them.

      This is where I draw the line when suggesting Linux to people. If they don't know and don't care ..Linux is usually fine. If they are aware of what type of os they use or even what version ( talking about Windows) I will suggest Linux only if they are open to it and I'm willing to help and recommend some software alternatives.

  • Bird 1: I have some trouble with Linux.

    Bird 2: Whistles and flies off…

    • No, bird 2 then screams at bird 1 for using Ubuntu and recommends


      distro that will totally work and is totally easy to use despite the lack of documentation. It's then bird 1's fault if they can't get their niche hipster distro to work.

      • I am unfortunately guilty of recommending niche "hipster" distros back in the day. Now I know to recommend the basics. Or just nothing at all so I don't have to be unpaid tech support.

  • Most birds have trouble with windows. Especially when they are polished and super shiny

  • I've had my own problems with Linux, it mostly depends which problems you prefer

  • I use macOS for Work, Linux for Personal stuff, Windows for Gaming. I still prefer Linux to anything. It's lightweight, FOSS, privacy respecting and fast. I have mint installed on my 11 yo laptop, and it still kicks like a warhorse during web development.