help me finding good not MSM information source
help me finding good not MSM information source
help me finding good objective information source that challenges all narratives
some news I can find only on "wrong" sources
help me finding good not MSM information source
help me finding good objective information source that challenges all narratives
some news I can find only on "wrong" sources
Assuming you're not trolling....
When one narrative is objective reality and the other nonsense, you can't "both sides" that. One is fact, the other nonsense.
Your best bet is to stick to the wire services (AP, Reuters) since they're pretty much facts only, have high journalistic standards, and don't have significant biases.
I recommend checking news sources against Media Bias Fact Check ( and looking for low bias and high credibility. MBFC is ran by a non-profit, independent agency and is highly rated.
Idk better news?
We don't know what you classify as wrong though
I'm being criticized about my sources, but not about validity of information, like "that is right source" or similar
That "wrong source" argument can be an indication you're dealing with someone who is closed off to ideas that conflict with their world view. There may be no point in arguing with them.
If you are looking to see "both" sides of an issue, have you already seen the MIT project Improve the News?
just trust the establishment bro
they have no reason to mislead you
in fact, you sound dangerous for even asking such a question
are you an extremist?
guards, come get this guy!
I'm willing to take the notion that there's an honest intent. The major problem I would see is that in looking for 'non MSM' sources isn't in looking for alternative views, it's in looking for a confirmation bias fulfilling source. Scientific reporting becomes 'mainstream' through a consensus on facts pushing the reported version to the front page.
You would be hard pressed to find someplace that says asbestos, lead paint, and cigarettes are good and healthy things for anyone, but I'm sure if you look really hard some 'non-MSM' source would put together a story of why they in fact make for a fine breakfast cereal. Things such as one of the first posts you made regarding 'masks kill brain cells' fall into the same category. Somebody with a personal ax to grind will inevitably find reason to claim they are bad, but the overwhelming normalization of their use in medical facilities by people far more knowledgeable than you or I, very well educated people who's very profession is to study these things, makes any such claims as you made sit out in the lunatic fringe side of conversations.
Unfortunately, there are a good number of people out there gullible enough to be baited by such things, for example see the whole 'QAnon' fiasco, and putting such things out there is a net bad for society. Social media for all it's uses also allows followers of absurd theories to reinforce each other's beliefs where previously such things would be left to die in darkness.
But some things are not covered in MSM even they are proved and peer reviewed
I wouldn't go now what is sold as healthy, it is complicated and it changes every year, but that is why we need more information sources and people can discuss in comments and give their view on matter, passive viewer will make their decision based on more data, studies and opinions
If 99% of sources state one way and only the remainder state the other then the presumption should he that the majority are correct. To say otherwise would either imply that this lesser known source has some unique, even clairvoyant insight to the matter that the greater population does not, or that there is a willfull disregard for some obvious flaw in the prevailing thought.
The first improbable because if they did have unique insight then tgeorbfindings would be picked up by the larger population.
The second would entail a conspiring of global scalebvetween nations, media, practioners, and mutiplebother indipendent groups for some intangible benefit to perhaps one or a few small entities where the rest simply act as willing pawns for no personal gain.
Stating that people shouldn't make decisions based on the current prevailing knowledge would leave the world in a perpetual paralysis unable to move forward since it's always possible the reality is different than we know today.
Note that this all doesn't say MSM is the end all gospel, but that the prevailing consensus should be taken as the given rather than suspect. Someone who wants something to be true will invariably find a source to support themselves, but only through absurd modification of correlations. For example, the rise in global temperatures and increased height of people is due to the black of touch by the flying spaghetti monster's appendage and a reduction of people in his preferred private garb in recent years.