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Don't be fooled by libertarians / an-caps, they are not going to bring you a democracy! Their real world experiment brought only low-wage sweatshops and repressions.

  • nice part of the article:

    When Friedman visited the University of Cape Town in 1976, he gave a speech to an audience of 2,000 in which he declared that the market was a much surer route to liberty than democracy; voting by dollars was better than voting by ballots. The key to freedom was not free elections but decentralisation of state power itself.

    And freedom they talking about is freedom of market.

    Also, here is the video where Milton Friedman tells that he does not believe in democracy (with good part of word salad as usual, of course).

    • There are two different “freedoms” of the market. Free from regulations, and free competition markets. The later requires regulations (such as anti-monopoly laws). A caps are usually talking about the former.