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Do you consider the term "rice" or "ricer" to be racist?

The Wikipedia definition seems to indicate it has origins as a racist term and I've never understood why unix users have adopted this terms instead of something benign like "themes" or "theming" which I remember being in use long before I ever heard "rice". So what gives? Why use "rice" instead of "theme"?

  • The term comes from car modifications, when people would modify Japanese cars. Folks called them "rice burners" and it evolves from there.

    I have never heard this in the Linux community, though, so it might just be a you thing

  • I'm not a part of the demographic who would experience racism around this. So, I can't comment there.

    I am a white hipster though. So, I usually call my window manager customizations "artisanally hand crafted".

  • My understanding of the term (from an asian american perspective I guess) is that it at most has a connection to race through the origins of ricing, and since the origins and current usage has never seemed derogatory and is simply about the Asian origins of automotive ricing I don't think it's racist at all. I see it as no different to any other term that reflects the origins of something that is connected to a specific ethnicity, especially when the term isn't derogatory and isn't used to otherize (which is how I consider model-minority stereotypes to be racist despite not being "negative").

    • Why is it stupid to discuss whether the language we use could be harming people? If you're not interested in joining that discussion productively, you could simply scroll on.

  • This is the same as people not using Gimp because they never understood what really means and feel it's derogatory. Sometimes a word is just that, a word, and there's no profit from overthinking it. But in the same regard you can use the term "theme" if it makes you happier.

    • There are plenty of articles and comments out there from disabled people recounting how that word has been weaponized against them. When people are telling us this, it seems pretty tasteless to continue using it.

      • I have no idea why I get downvoted every time I say this. If there are a large number of people out there saying 'I was called this name due to my disability, it makes me feel like shit, and the fact that a popular FOSS project continues to use it despite being told this time and time again makes me feel that the FOSS community sees me as less than human' how is it remotely complicated to have the common courtesy to apologize, pick a better name, and carry on? This is not hard, it costs nothing, and it's just basic human respect.

      • It's an acronym, just that. We can argue is a misfortune one but that's it.

  • I don't know but it seems like it's a 'nix thing.

    I was in the Windows customization scene for years and never heard the term "ricing" until I discovered customization on Linux.

  • i've never seen it used in a pejorative way, and the usage and meaning of the word in collectif consciousness is "theming". So even if it was used in a bad way, it's not relevent anymore, since the meaning have changed.

  • I don't think it's racist. I just don't like it. Themes or theming works for me. It just makes me think of the kids who install kali and describe themselves as haxors.

  • I personally don't see it as racist in the context it's used (to me, context and how something is used is everything), then again, when I first heard the term a few years back, it was in the context of an acronym: Racing Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements. Nothing racist about that, I mean...I see several cars owners, racing or otherwise, tricking their rides up with spoilers or annoying loud exhausts all the time. All ethnicities, not just strictly asian. It might have come from a racist thing*, and if it did, that doesn't mean that that's what has to define it for all time.

    I also agree with tables; you can't exactly choose a "nicer" alternative for something everytime a couple of people get offended by a word. It's just not feasible, IMO. IDK, I was raised with the mindset of: There's going to be people in life that are going to take offense to something you do or say even if you didn't mean to offend in the slightest.

    *it could have, but I'm not entirely sure personally. I checked out the wiki article you linked, and find it odd that when originally looked up the term RICE on wikipedia, there was no racist conotations at all (and i know this because i often used to refer to that article when i explained what the acronym meant to others), or if there were, it was a footnote, but now it's front and center. Not saying you're wrong and this is some revisionist piece at all, just noticing that, is all. Like I said, this very well could be the original meaning.