Spotlight on Swedish cartoonist Henrik Tomenius
Spotlight on Swedish cartoonist Henrik Tomenius
There's not a lot of info out there for Tomenius, but if I understand correctly, he first discovered a level of fame by riffing on tweets made by former PM and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Carl Bildt of Sweden.
It seems from there, he was inspired to create his delightfully deranged, better-known comic series Twisted Speedo and Poorly Drawn Dinosaurs. The above is a very brief, tame example of his work, so let's dig a bit further with Origin of the Seahorse:
You see, most of his cartoons run long and vertically, averaging about twice the length of the one above. In tone, he's darkly-hilarious, satirical, and no-holds barred. If gore is called for, then there's going to be gore!
Typically, my man here examines modern culture and turns it on its head, sometimes in a purely humorous or even affectionate way, but just as often, with biting nihilism. His 'punchlines' don't always come together the way you might expect... in which case I think it's more his sense of simple, absurd style that makes these work.
Here's a couple more of my favorites: [1], [2], which should help demonstrate what the hell I'm trying to say above.
As for repositories of his work, try: [WebToons], [Tapas], and [TheComicSeries]. His "Poorly Drawn Dinosaurs" site doesn't seem to be up anymore, but fortunately it's preserved at the Internet Archive. Tomenius' also has some collections available on Amazon.