Hongkongers in UK struggle to make skills pay in jobs market
Hongkongers in UK struggle to make skills pay in jobs market

Barriers to employment for new migrants mean many are overqualified

Hongkongers in UK struggle to make skills pay in jobs market
Barriers to employment for new migrants mean many are overqualified
I'm not saying that they couldn't improve on it, but honestly, that bar chart doesn't look too damning to the UK to me:
So, okay, they're behind the EU-14 (though not the EU as a whole) and North America/Oceania, but they're also ahead of every other listed entry.
Hooray! I'm significantly less qualified than UK workers! I guess that's why I haven't gotten a job yet.
“I had to change the way I write emails. There was no need to write in full sentences and care about grammar. Now I am learning to write as short and brief as possible, just like a native English person,” she said.
No one likes essays when few words do trick!