Test your skills with the Tintin quiz! [wordless panels, album names in French] (more options below)
Test your skills with the Tintin quiz! [wordless panels, album names in French] (more options below)
If you don't know any French, you should still be able to recognise a bunch of the album names, which are helpfully placed in chronological order. (or just click google's "translate" option)
In fact the quiz can be played in four different ways: 1) all panels are displayed, 2) only panels with text are displayed, 3) only panels without text are shown, 4) only text is shown without any panels at all.
These quizzes can be played endlessly, so see how high you can score (out of ten questions). Whoever scores a ten, please add a comment below! :D
EDIT: If a web-savvy person wanted to host a site like this, for example with a general-BD theme, I'd be happy to provide plenty of good-quality art samples.