Anybody know some notable East-Asian characters that appear in Euro comics? --eh.. Super-Grover know! :D
Anybody know some notable East-Asian characters that appear in Euro comics? --eh.. Super-Grover know! :D
Oolala, I really liked this cool topic from our [big brother/sister] sub, r/bandesessinee, so I've done a small tribute, listing all titles in order, filling in [settings] and (creators), and adding clickable samplers... all presented by Super-Grover!
Please enjoy. ^^
Credits: u/ILEAATD and the responders for the suggestions, and Alex Ross for the lovely art.
Aire Libre : Le voyage en Italie [Vietnam, other] (Cosey)
Brelan de dames [?] (Dufaux, Vernal)
By the Numbers [French Indochina] (Laurent Rullier)
Chinaman [China, hah] (Taduc & Le Tendre)
Delisle's Burma, Pyongyang & Shenzen [respective] (Guy Delisle)
Dieter Lumpen [East Asia, various] (Zentner & Pellejero)
Hibakusha [Japan] (Barboni & Cinna)
Innommables, Les [China, Hong Kong] (Yann & Conrad)
Japan As Viewed by 17 Creators [Japan, hah] (various)
Pema Ling [Tibet] (George Bess)
Saigon-Hanoi [Vietnam] (Cosey)
Tengu carré, Le [Japan] (David B)
Toppi's Library, volume six [Japan] (Toppi)
Under Two Suns, from Broussaille #4 [Japan & Africa] (Frank Pé)
Voyages d'He Pao, Les [Vietnam, other] (Vinh)
Yoko Tsuno [Japan] (Roger Leloup)
White Lama, The [Tibet, other] (Bess & Jodorowsky)
White Tigress, The [China, Hong Kong] (Wilbur & Conrad)
Corrections and additions welcome! 🙏