José Domingo: mad genius of isometric realities; cheerful tour-guide to the weird & wonderful (a small tribute)
José Domingo: mad genius of isometric realities; cheerful tour-guide to the weird & wonderful (a small tribute)
José is from Spain, and what first blew me out of the water was his ingenious, hugely inventive, isometric, stream-of-consciousness book, Adventures of a Salaryman. Here's the French title & cover:
It's about a Japanese "salaryman" ('career office worker,' essentially) simply trying to make his way home after a long day pointlessly wasting overtime hours in order to mildly impress his bosses (i.e. the usual salaryman thing).
Basically-- he just wants to get home and go to sleep, and is certainly not looking forward to anything new and/or unexpected. This dude, even if he wanted sex from his wife? That almost certainly wasn't going to fly. So he really, really just wants to throw down his head upon yon pillow(!)
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) absolutely everything unexpected, weird & wild happens to him from that point on, with flippin' bells hangin' off bells, a bit of an ol' Brit expression? :P
Anyway-- SAMPLES
TBH? I don't know that much about his other work.
Still, from what I do understand, this matey has his finger in many pies, such as animation, movies, cartoons, and et cet.
So then, here's some samples I liked in particular: