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DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable


Ekstensi DeArrow untuk YouTube Yang Membuat Gambar Mini Dapat Diterima

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DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable

43 8

DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable

192 13
  • I don't mind the clickbait as much because I've learned to filter the crap out to some degree (following F1 channels does that to a mf), but still, anything to keep the bullshit to a minimum.

    This should be a part of newpipe.

    • The majority of videos I that pop up on my home feed don’t have clickbait thumbnails. A few admittedly do, but they are usually way toned down and when mixed among other videos in my feed not as vacuous when it’s just a few of them.

      I think the issue can be largely self correcting on the user side if people just take a little bit of effort to curate good content for themselves.

      • Unfortunately, terrible thumbnails and titles are just a part of the culture in some circles, even if the channels themselves make good content. Look at this trash, and these are actually the better ones:

  • If you label your videos as click bait trash, I'll treat it like click bait trash and not watch it.

    I'm not going to install software to correct and support your shit behavior.

  • this is brilliant!! thank you so much for creating this and also for giving us sponsorblock. you're the goat!!

  • I have dearrow and I like it. I also installed Unhook, which "hides YouTube related videos, comments, shorts tab, suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending, and other distractions".

  • On firefox youtube videos take a long time to load, they'll play for a bit and then buffer. Without this extension youtube works fine on chrome. I guess this extension is in beta stage, needs to be polished more.

    Considering it's from the same person behind sponsorblock, I'm positive future updates will fix this issue..

    Edit: Seems I was using old version, just updated the extension as developer said they'd fixed the above issue in new version. So far so good, now videos are playing fine on firefox..