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  • That's definitely a bad idea to invite them to tea:

    1. They know you saw them
    2. They've got permission to enter you house
    3. You are giving them food!!

    It sound like a recipe to get your daughter stolen from you, or to have your house falling down on your head, or losing your mind or straight being skinned you and your family.

    Carefully go back so they don't know you saw them.
    Do not ever speak to this to anyone, not to your parent, your neighbour, your child not to your SO, not on the internet or your diary and lets hope you don't speak in your dream.

  • Brazilians with our cryptids:

    • Which one is the Brazilian?

      • The chick, in this context.

        The Boto-cor-de-rosa, or river dolphin, is a real animal

        But the cryptid of the same name is a river dolphin that is actually a shapeshifting trickster, who will turn himself into an attractive man (often depicted wearing a fancy hat to cover the blowhole atop his head) and seduce and bang women.

  • I guess you've never heard of German cryptids... Or Polish cryptids... Oooor Nordic cryptids...

  • If any cryptid out there actually exists, my bet is on bigfoot just because it would be the most mundane, boring thing to be proven real. Just a big ape? Fuck that. I want the Dover Demon to be real because it's actually interesting.

    • Bigfoot is just boring enough to be plausible. If they proved it, I would expect a good round of bigfoot memes than a solid meh.